How many seasons are there in Belize
2 Seasons, Wet and Dry
What is the Annual Rainfall at Corozal
50 Inches (1,270mm)
What is Belize prone to
Hurricaines, Storms, Floods. and Storm Surge.
What is the annual temperature?
79ºF (26ºC)
What climate changes are Belize vulnerable to? (Must have all 3)
Sea level rise, Coral Bleaching, and Increased storms
How long does the Dry Season last?
From June to November
What is the average annual rainfall at Punta Gorda
175 Inches (4,445mm)
What was the worst natural disaster that Belize suffered?
Hurricane Hattie
Which is warmer? The coast or interior?
The Coast
How is sea level rising caused in Belize
From Melting ice caps
How Long does the Wet season last
From LATE February to May
What is the average annual rainfall at Belize City
75 inches (1.900mm
What is the effects of Hurricane Hattie?
Many people are left homeless or poor
Which suffers through more extreme temperatures? Coastal or inland?
How is Coral bleaching caused in Belize
From Solar radiation
What is the best season to visit Belize?
During the dry season
How much rainfall does the South
When did Hurricane Hattie strike?(Day, Month, and Year)
September 10, 1931
What is the humidity of the coastal regions
around 83%
How is increased storms caused in Belize
From burning fossil fuels
Which season does natural disasters occur more often?
Dry season (End)
How much rainfall does the rest of Belize receive
100mm or less
How many people died from Hurricane Hatte
What is the humidity of the interior regions?
Around 85%
What climate change affects Belize the most
Increased Storms