Bell Lets Talk Day
Mental Health
True or False

What year was the first Bell lets talk day ?

2011 was the first year that this amazing idea began.


Who does mental Health affect ?

everyone has mental health

but one in 4 people have mental illness 


True or False: As a friend you can't do anything for a person with mental health struggles


You can do so much for a person with mental health struggles just be open and supportive, listen to what they have to say


What becomes larger the more you take away from it and smaller the more you add to it?

A hole in the ground


How much money does bell lets talk donate for every tiktok or tweet using the #bell lets talk ?

Every tweet, post, and tik tok made using the hashtag bell lets talk day, bell with donate 5 cent to mental health charities


How do you keep up with your physical health during a pandemic?

Answer: You can do anything to keep up with your physical health 

by doing workout video, going for a walk around the block and doing a guided meditation.


True or False :Coping Strategies are pointless and distracting


Coping strategies can be helpful to lower stress levels, but they can be distracting when not used properly


What grows up at the same time it grows down?

 A goose


Where does the money from bell lets talk day go ?

The money goes to several mental health organizations and charities


Who could you reach out to if you are struggling with your mental health

Parents, Teachers and or anyone you can trust


True and false : Covid 19 has not affected people mental health in Canada? 


 Surveys have shown that around 50% of people described their mental health as good on March 6th, But when the survey was taken again in May less people described their mental health as good and described it as poor. 


What gets larger as it eats but smaller as it drinks?

A fire


How much money has Bell let's talk raised. 

A) 97 million B) 200 million C) 67 million D) 108 Million

More than 108 million dollars have been raised for mental health initiatives since the program began


What are the hours of kids help phone?

24 hours and 7 days a week

If you need to talk to someone call or text 

1 800-668-6868


 True or False: Mental illness can be treated


Mental illness can be treated by counselling service, medication and so much more 


What has a face and two hands but no arms or legs?

A clock


How many Interactions has Bell had from Bell lets talk day since 2011

A) 1.1 billion b) 1.5 million c) 9 million d) 20 

Answer: A 

Bell has had 1.1 billion interactions from the campaign since 2011


What percent of people receiving mental health services have a history of trauma?


Studies have shown that trauma rates can be as high as 80-90 %


True or False: Mental illness can be caused by biological and external factors

This is caused by biological factors such as health conditions and external factors such as traumatic factors


What five-letter word becomes shorter when you add two letters to it?
