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Before and Early Belle Meade
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The Mansion
Historical Artifacts
Civil War
Horses of Belle Meade
Horse Related
Harding Cabin
Belle Meade Today

Who did John Harding marry in 1806?

Who is Susannah Shute Harding?


Which Presidential couple stayed in the guest hall?

Who are First Lady Francis Cleveland and President Grover Cleveland?

What year did John Harding purchase Belle Meade (then known as Dunham Station)?

When is 1807?


Who is John Harding?


What architecture is the Mansion as we know it today?

What is Greek Revival?

This special glass was made by infusing gold into glass to create a vibrant color. It served as a sign of wealth to guests.

What is Ruby Glass.


Where was William Giles Harding imprisoned in the north for aiding the confederate cause?

What is Mackinac Island in Michigan?


This is one of the most famous horses to stud at Belle Meade. He became the first American Horse to win an English derby. After his death, the family made his hooves into the inkwells in the library.

Who is Iroquois. 


Which generation of the Harding-Jackson family saw the height of Stud farming here at Belle Meade? What are their names?

Who are William Hicks Jackson and Selene Harding-Jackson the 3rd generation?


What time period/era was the Harding Cabin built? *Hint- think of the tours that happen there*

What is the Frontier?

These two modern locations on the property are areas where our guests can enjoy meals.

What are the Meat and Three and Fox Run café?


This family member originally commissioned the smokehouse to be built.

Who is John Harding?


This enslaved individual was gifted to William Giles Harding and Mary Selena McNairy for their wedding. How old was this person when they were gifted? 

Who is Robert "Bob" Greene? He was given as gift when he was a baby.


This US president is believed to have visited Belle Meade frequently and might have boarded horses here. He is well known for owning another plantation in Nashville (the Hermitage). 

Who is Andrew Jackson?


Why was Belle Meade valuable land in the early 1800s?

Belle Meade was located close to the Natchez Trace (444 mile historical road connecting TN, AL, and MS).


Who is William Giles Harding?


These areas of the Mansion used to be open to the elements, that's why they're called _______.

What are breezeways?


What did people use before flushable toilets?

What are Chamber pots and outhouses?


How much money did William Giles Harding donate to the confederate army? How much is that in today's money?

How much is $500,000? Equal to $16 million
This horse was one of the greatest sires to live at Belle Meade. His descendants include Sea Biscuit and Secretariat. His bloodline has produced 11 out of the past 13 triple crown winners.

Who is Bonnie Scotland?


What are the items pictured here? Why are they important to Belle Meade? Bonus— What year were they registered?

What are Jockey Silks? The Maroon Silks were specific to Belle Meade so when jockeys wore them to race horses everyone knew they were on a Belle Meade Horse. 1823


Who are all of the families that inhabited Harding Cabin? (that we know of)

Who are the Dunhams, the Hardings, and the Greenes?


This previously historical building has been updated and retrofitted for modern purposes. It used to be the Harding-Jacksons house for small avian livestock.

What is the Coop and Scoop?


Younger enslaved children were in charge of this job in the Smokehouse because their small size and nimble limbs allowed them to climb to heights that couldn't be reached by adults.

What is meat hanging/rafter climbing?

How many wives did William Giles Harding have? What were their names?

Who are Mary Selena McNairy and Elizabeth McGavock?


This President (a known hunter) visited the Belle Meade Deer Park. He was the 26th president of the United States.

Who is Teddy Roosevelt?


What trades or businesses did John Harding operate on Belle Meade?

What are the Grist Mill, Blacksmith Shop, and Cotton Gin?


This enslaved individual was Head Hostler at Belle Meade. He was very well-respected for his knowledge of horses. He stayed on at Belle Meade post-emancipation on a labor contract.

Who is Robert "Bob" Greene?


In 1851 and potentially disastrous event happened in the mansions that spurred renovation, what happened?

What is a fire?


This object allowed people to listen to music in the late 19th century. It was invented in 1887.

What is the gramophone?


When was Nashville captured by the Union Army?

When is 1862? Nashville was one of the first confederate strongholds to fall to the Union.


THis horse was named after a Cincinatti newspaper. When he died WGH erected a monument in his honor, which now stands near the Smokehouse.

Who is Enquirer?


It was enslaved workers who typically handled the horses at Belle Meade what are some of the jobs an enslaved individual might have?

What are hostlers, grooms, jockeys, carriage drivers, etc.?


What architectural style is the Harding Cabin? Can you describe what elements make it this style?

What is a dogtrot cabin? Dog trot cabins are made up of two "rooms" connected by an open hallway or breezeway. This breeze way could be used as a third room in the warmer months.


These two previously Historical buildings have been updated to be used as educational classrooms. In the past one was used to house large livestock.

What are the Dairy Building and Garden Cottage?


This enslaved individual was once in charge of the Hogs at Belle Meade and we know that in 1862 some of the hogs became sick and he treated them with Arsenic.

Who is Rial?


Who were the main owners of Belle Meade from the 3rd generation?

Who are Selene Harding Jackson and William Hicks Jackson?


Which famous frontiersman and TN politician visited Belle Meade in 1835?

Who is David "Davy" Crockett?


Before the Natchez Trace was established, the route was used by others, who used the trail and what was it used for?

Who are the Native Americans? They used parts of the Trace as hunting trails.


This enslaved individual was part Native American, having Creek heritage. She might have been illegally enslaved. She worked as a domestic servant and was known for her famous syllabub.

Who is Susanna Carter?


When was the Mansion original commissioned to be built? What architectural style was the original house built in?

When is 1820? What is the Federalist style?


This incredible invention was added to the house after the Harding Jackson Family lived there. It consist of pipes punctured with small pinholes so water could spray from all directions.

What is a needle point shower?


While WGH was imprisoned, who was in charge of Belle Meade?

Who are Elizabeth (McGavock) Harding and her daughters Mary Elizabeth and Selene? 


This horse is one of the best known mares (female horse) at Belle Meade. She was a gorgeous white/gray and was one of WGH's most prized horses. She was renowned for winning four-mile races.

Who is Gamma?


Where did thoroughbreds like Bonnie Scotland and Iroquois live and stay on the property? *Trick question*  

What are the thoroughbred stables and paddocks? These ARE NOT the stales in the carriage house, which were sued for family and guest horses. We arent sure were the thoroughbred stables would have been.


There were 3 enslaved individuals who lived with the Harding Cabin with the family before the slave quarters were built, what were their names?

Who are Ben, Patrick and Dicey?


Belle Meade is a certified arboretum, this means we are recognized for the diversity of our _____ and can teach guests about the care and management of them.

What are plants? Trees in particular


These ___ cuts of meat were given in small portions to the enslaved workers, while the nicer ____ cuts were saved for the family and guests.

What is fattier and leaner?


Who did Susanna Carter (domestic servant) marry? What was his job?

Who is Isaac "Ike" Carter? He worked the stock farm.

Where did John Harding and his family live before moving to Tennessee and eventually purchasing Belle Meade?

Where is Goochland, Virginia?


This woman was a a member of the Harding-Jacksons' extended family. She came to live with the family to help care for the children and the house. She lived in the upstairs apartment.

Who is Elizabeth "Cousin Lizzie" Hoover?


The back porch's ceiling is painted in a specific shade of light turquoise-y blue. What is the name of this color or why do many southern homes paint their porch ceilings this shade?

What is Haint Blue? It was believed to ward off evil spirits. The blue shade was meant to trick ghosts or spirits into thinking it was the sky which they would pass through or water which they could not cross Bug deterrent Believed to trick wasps and bugs that the porch ceiling was the sky. This is not scientifically proven, but may have still worked given that most of the paints contained lye which is an insect repellent


These are Victorian Era theater characters that became household names, and many of these statues were made.  They are in Spanish dress because their characters were Spaniard

Who are Don Juan and Don Cesar?


What is emancipation? How did it affect the formerly enslaved at Belle Meade?

President Abraham Lincoln's Emancipation Proclamation stated that all enslaved individuals in the confederate territories engaging in rebellion against the union were declared free. This proclamation did not apply to Belle Meade's enslaved because Belle Meade was in Union territory at the time. But after the war, the enslaved were emancipated and some stayed on labor contracts.


This horse was sired by Bonnie Scotland. He was named after the Governor of Kentucky at the time. He was renowned for winning 22 out of 24 races in one year. 

Who is Luke Blackburn?


Every year Belle Meade would participate in sales of one-year-old thoroughbred horses raised for racing, what are these sales called?

What are Yearling Auctions?


Thanks to a special analysis that tests the age of the wood (trees) used to build the cabin, that one side may be older. What is the name of this test?

What is dendrochronology?


Archaeological investigations in this area revealed a large cistern and other material that suggest a Blacksmith shop once stood nearby.

What are the Visitor's Center and VC parking lot?


Belle Meade could produce as much as ____ lbs (pounds) in one season/year.

How much is 20,000lbs?