Emotions 1
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Emotions 2
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Emotions 3

What are you feeling when you are worried something bad is going to happen to you or someone you love?

Fear, scared, afraid


What is a snack that Emilio loves?



If you trip and fall in front of your classmates you might feel

Embarrassed or ashamed

It is normal to feel embarrassed


What is the Capital city of California? 


What are some ways in which your body will show that you are feeling angry?

feeling hot, turning red, clenching fists etc


If you fail at something you might feel...

Disappointed, sad, angry, embarrassed 

Failing at something is never a good feeling. Sometimes we may end up feeing disappointed in ourselves because we did not get the outcome that we wanted. You may also feel sad because you tried your hardest and that wasn't enough. 


What does Pikachu evolve into?



True or False

You can feel more than one emotion at a time


It is normal to feel more than one emotion at a time. Can you think of an example of two emotions you might feel at the same time?


What is Emilio's go to ice cream flavor?

Cookies and Cream


What is one example of positive self-talk?

I am smart

I am worthy

I am capable

I can do this

I can make good choices

I deserve love and happiness

Why is it beneficial to practice self talk?


True of False

If you ignore your feelings they will go away


Ignoring your feelings can actually make them grow stronger and feel more intense. It is important to find ways to deal with your emotions rather than holding them in


What is the most played sport in the world?



Is it ok to cry?


Crying is normal response and a healthy way to release feelings you may have. Everyone cries and it does not mean you are weak if you cry


What is the largest organ in a human body?

Your skin


True or False: 

There are good feelings and there are bad feelings


Feelings are neither good or bad. You have a choice at how you can express what you are feeling and the choice you made could result in a negative or positive consequence. Is there an example of this that you can provide?


Name something you can do (coping skill) when you are feeling scared?

talk to someone, do something that comforts you etc


Name a Ninja character from Lego Ninjago

 Kai, Lloyd, Zane, Nya, Jay and Cole


If you get home from school or work and have chores and/or homework to complete, you might feel

overwhelmed or stressed

Having a lot of responsibilities can feel hard and overwhelming/stressful for children and adults. Having tools and strategies can help you deal with these feelings


What is a different name, other than field, for where a soccer game is played?

the pitch


If someone came over and messed up or broke something you were working hard on, how would you feel?

frustrated, mad, annoyed, angry

How could you handle this situation?


What are some benefits of coping skills?

They help reduce stress

allow us to create healthier relationships with our family and friends

allow us to have a healthy body and mind

help us work through our emotions


How many stomachs does a cow have?



What are three things you can do when you are feeling upset to make you feel better before you talk to the person who has upset you?

take space, use a breathing technique, write down what you are feeling, go for a walk, listen to music etc.


What soccer player has the most goals ever recorded? 

Cristiano Ronaldo with 803 (as of April 2022)


You yelled at someone you cared about and said mean things. How would you feel afterwards?

Guilty, sad, remorseful

How could you help the other person feel better?