Muscle Memory
Musicality Matters
Do a Lil Dance

Missing Pieces
Combination Nation
The Trapezius contributes to this movement
What is a chest lift?
The Tabla sound for the upbeat in a rhythm.
What is the tek?
The first 8 counts of Cairo Cabaret looks like this.
What is 4 counts of hips drops and 2 counts of figure 8s (students should demonstrate)
This is missing from home position. (Host should demonstrate home position with lower ab engaged in chest drop)
What is the chest neutral position?
This is what the first 4 counts of Aswan and the first 4 counts of Cairo Cabaret look like.
What are 4 counts of step touch with hip lift followed by 4 counts of hip drops? (Student should demonstrate)
The gluteus Maximus contributes to this movement.
What are hip singles?
You might sway your arms like tree branches in the wind to the sound of this flute-like instrument.
What is the Ney?
This is what a Figure 8 down to up looks like.
What is hip slide out, hip lift, slide in, hip release (students should demonstrate)
This is missing in Arms in 2nd position. (Host should demonstrate elbows pointing towards floor)
What is elbows not engaged?
This is the first 4 counts of Delta followed by the second 4 counts of Aswan.
What are 4 counts of Undulations up to down followed by 4 counts of Chasses? (Students should demonstrate)
You use this oblique to slide your hip to the left.
What is the right oblique?
A dance solely performed to mimic the Dums, teks, and kas of the Tabla.
What is a drum solo?
This is what a 3 point turn looks like.
Student should demonstrate.
This is missing in this hip slide. (Host should demonstrate hip slide with exaggerated weight shift and no muscle control)
What is the proper oblique muscle control?
This is what the second 8 counts of Bint Al Balad and the second 8 counts of Aswan look like.
What are 2 counts traveling figure 8 down to up to one side and 2 counts to the other side, then, after turn, the same is repeated, followed by step touch shoulder shimmy for 4 counts in a circle, then 4 counts turn in the circle the other way ( student should demonstrate)
You use these muscles to execute an undulation up to down in this order.
What are the upper back, upper ab, and lower ab muscles?
The name of an improvisational piece of music or dance in Belly Dance.
What is a taksim.
This is what a smooth contraction of the upper ab followed by the lower ab looks like.
What is a belly roll? (Student should demonstrate)
This is missing from this Figure 8 down to up. (Host should demonstrate fig 8 down to up without hip slide out first)
What is the hip slide out first?
This is what the first 8 counts of Bint Al Balad, the last 4 counts and first 4 counts of Cairo Cabaret look like.
What are 4 counts figure 8 down to up traveling to one side then traveling to other side for another 4 counts, followed by 2 counts figure 8 down to up, 2 counts of 3 point turn, and 4 counts of hip drops? (Student should demonstrate)
These two muscle groups can initiate hip singles. You can take your pick as to which method you choose to use.
What are the gluteus Maximus and the Obliques?
This rhythm's pattern is dum tek dum dum tek.
What is the Saidi?
This is the 1st 4 counts of Delta, including feet, belly dance movements, and arms.
What is 2 Arabic Twos, 2 Undulations up to down, one arm out to side, followed by the other arm out to side ( students should demonstrate)
This is missing from this Undulation up to down. (Host should demonstrate Undulation up to down without releasing the lower ab on the count of 4)
What is the release on the 4th count?
This is the first two counts of all combinations A-D
What are 2 counts step touch with hip lift, 2 counts fig 8 down to up, 2 counts hip drops, and 2 counts Undulation up to down? ( student should demonstrate)