Why did J.J. McCracken build FunJungle?
For Summer or to Make Money
What did Doc find in the Autopsy?
Small holes in Henry's intestine
What does J.J. stand for in J.J. McCracken's name?
John James
What was in the box in room 333?
A model of Funjungle
Which guard chased Teddy up the administration building stairs?
Large Marge
Who is the head of Public Relations?
Pete Thwacker
Did Summer attend boarding school or regular school?
Boarding School
How much would the underground tunnels cost?
$5 million
What was the tiger who broke out during the party's name?
How far did Teddy run to get out of Funjungle during the funeral?
1 mile
Who is the chief of the security team? (First and Last name)
Buck Grassley
Who has better smell Mom and Dad or Teddy?
Mom and Dad
How many barbs were in the Metal ball
How did the tiger get out during the Carnivore Canyon party?
Climbed a ladder to the walkway
Who did Doc think killed Henry?
Martin Del Gato
What is an Autopsy?
When you cut open something to find the cause of death
What is the Policeman's Name?
Sergeant Tustin
Who was the first person Teddy and Summer accused?
Pete Thwacker
What does ALF stand for?
Animal Liberation Front
What jewel did they hide inside animals?
What was Henry's name before Henry?
How long is Henry's intestine?
60 feet
What animal was Doc working on an Autopsy when Teddy visited him with the jack?
What does Doc do with the small animals when they die?
Flush them down the toilet
Who killed Henry?