Awesome Alliterative Answers
The Why and When
Strategic Connections
Who's Involved
Summer Projects 101

Brain-blooming, thought partnering, dreaming - all of these are a result of doing this (together). 

What is collaboration?


June through the start of the K-12 school year. 

When do summer projects take place?


The acronym for these more recent, important work teams. 

What are SPATs?


This BELONG Partners program staff member is one of the primary people doing summer projects. 

What is a facilitator?


Projects, tasks, initiatives, etc. that BELONG Partners undertakes during a 'slower' season. They help to prepare for the upcoming school year, programs, and partnerships. 

What are summer projects?


When we reflect on these two things, they give us more insight into what our summer workloads may look like. 

What is calendar and capacity?


With some summer projects, these are a lot tighter - mayhaps aligning with the start of the school year - while others are looser and continue throughout the year. 

What are timelines?


2023-2028, a total of five years?

What is the duration of the BELONG Partners' Strategic Plan?


A team member that helps, or herds, the group and the work over the course of the project timeline. 

What is a project lead/cat herder?


The original summer project - and a huge, successful undertaking for the organization. 

What is the BELONG Partners Pacing Guide?


The Cougar teachers in this local school were the inspirations and helpers in creating the first version of the Pacing Guide.

What is Campbell Hill Elementary School?


Summer projects has a longstanding history in BELONG. We have worked to create this around our Summer projects. 

What is a routine?


The total number of Strategic Plan Action Teams at BELONG Partners - the SPATs prioritized for Summer Projects are just a fraction of this. 

What is seventeen?


In the summer at BELONG, if you aren't doing this - you're working on summer projects. 

What is time off?


This is encouraged in the work at BELONG Partners. We embody this in our professional development trainings, responses, solutions to problems, and, also, our summers. 

What is creativity?