Elements of a Classic
Magical Realism
Novel Ideas

Sethe embodies love, motherhood, and strives to find peace after trauma.

What is a memorable protagonist?


In Toni Morrison’s Beloved, this type of magical realism element manifests as a physical embodiment of Sethe’s past.

What is the ghost of Beloved?


This enigmatic young woman mysteriously appears at 124 Bluestone Road and claims to be Sethe's deceased daughter.

Who is Beloved?


This theme is embodied in the supernatural presence of Beloved and its connection to Sethe’s guilt and grief.

What is the haunting of the past?


Denver is jealous of the relationship between Sethe and Beloved.

What is a relatable story?


This region of the world is most commonly associated with the origins of magical realism as a literary genre.

What is Latin America?


This character, an escaped slave, is haunted by the ghost of her deceased daughter.

Who is Sethe?

Sethe gave birth to Denver during her escape near this river.

What is the Ohio River?


Characters in the novel endeavor to overcome personal traumas, heal relationships, and come to terms with the effects of slavery. 

What are timeless themes and truths?


This Colombian author is one of the most celebrated magical realism writers and penned The Handsomest Drowned Man in the World.

Who is Gabriel García Márquez? 


This character is Sethe's oldest daughter, who struggles to find her place in the family after Beloved’s arrival.

Who is Denver?


This central theme of the novel explores the impact of slavery on memory and identity.

What is the legacy of trauma?


Navigating how the emotions of love and fear can be deeply damaging. 

What is exploration of the human experience?


Characters in magical realism often experience supernatural events with this emotional reaction.

What is acceptance?


This woman, Sethe’s mother-in-law, provides spiritual guidance and serves as a matriarchal figure.

Who is Baby Suggs?


This recurring image, related to Sethe’s physical and emotional scars, symbolizes the enduring pain of slavery.

What is the chokecherry tree?


Beloved swelling due to her greed and parasitic nature. (Name 2)

What is memorable antagonist and timeless themes/truths?


Magical realism often focuses on marginalized groups and emphasizes this type of worldview.

What is a non-Western or indigenous perspective?


This character, named for the shape of his head, helps Sethe confront her past and rebuild her life.

Who is Paul D?


Paul D’s inability to open this item reflects his struggle to confront his emotions and trauma.

What is the tobacco tin?