What does transparent mean?
An object or material that allows light to easily pass through. You can see through it, such as a window or glasses
What is energy?
Energy helps us work and its something that can cause matter to move or change.
What is heat energy?
Heat is energy is energy that makes things warmer. Heat can be natural or artificial / man-made.
What is light energy?
Light is energy that helps us see. Light can be from natural sources or artificial / man-made. Light can pass through some objects and not others. Light can be reflected or it can be absorbed by various objects. Light travels in a straight line called a ray. We see light with our eyes.
What is electricity?
Electricity is a form of energy produced by using energy from other sources (e.g. wind, solar, water power).
What is friction?
Friction is created when 2 surfaces rub against each other. In can slow things down and it can generate heat.
Name 3 types of energy.
Heat, light and sound.
How is heat measured?
Heat is measured with a thermometer in degrees: Fahrenheit or Celsius.
Name 4 things that can reflect light.
mirrors, the moon, shiny / polished metal surfaces, a spoon
What is a battery?
A battery stores up energy and changes it into electricity.
What does translucent mean?
An object or material that allows light to pass through, but not detailed shapes. It is partially transparent, such as sunglasses, stained glass, etc.
What is that largest source of heat and light energy on Earth?
the sun
What can heat be used for?
To warm, melt or cook things
Name 4 sources of light energy (2 natural & 2 artificial / man-made)
2 natural: sun, stars, fireflies, lightning, moonshine
2 artificial / man-made: lightbulb, computer, flashlights, headlights
What is a circuit?
What does opaque mean?
What is solar energy?
Energy that comes from the sun.
Name 4 sources of heat energy (2 natural and 2 artificial / man-made).
2 natural: sun, fire, geo thermal
2 artificial / man-made: oven, iron, blow dryer, toaster, etc.
What is a shadow?
A shape produced by an object standing in between a ray of light and a surface.
What are some ways we use energy in our everyday lives?
Lighting, heating, cooling, appliances, TV, computer, toys, etc.
What is sound?
Sound is a type of energy caused by vibrations. We hear sound with our ears.
What is temperature and thermometer?
Temperature is the measurement of heat (degrees Celsius or Fahrenheit)
Thermometer is a tool to measure the temperature.
What does reflect mean?
When energy (light, heat or sound) is bounced back by an object without absorbing it.