Story Elements
Poems, Prose, and Drama

1. What is the setting of a story? 

a. Statements that support the main topic or theme

b. The time and location a story takes place 

c. The central idea in a piece of writing

b. The time and location a story takes place


1. How do you make an inference?

a. take a guess

b. take what you already know and add what you have read to make a conclusion about something

c. read what the text says and copy it

b. take what you already know and add what you have read to make a conclusion about something


1. What is a drama? 

a. The subject of a piece of literature 

b. A piece of writing that tells a story through action and speech and is meant to be acted out 

c. A fictional tale shorter than a novel

b. A piece of writing that tells a story through action and speech and is meant to be acted out 


1. What is the definition of theme? 

a. The message of a piece of literature 

b. A piece of writing that tells a story through action and speech and is meant to be acted out 

c. A fictional tale shorter than a novel

b. A piece of writing that tells a story through action and speech and is meant to be acted out


1. What word is a synonym for the word busy?

a. quiet

b. free

c. crowded

d. working

c. crowded


2. What is the setting of the following passage? 

Jimmy was feeling sad. When he got home from school, he called for his dog, Spike, to come play with him, just as he did every day after school. This time, though, Spike did not come.

a. Home

b. School

c. Playground

a. Home


The Greedy Man 

There once was a very greedy man who sold everything he owned and bought a brick of gold. He buried the gold brick behind a hut that was across the road from his shabby old house. Every day, the greedy man went across the road and dug up his gold brick to look at it. After a while, a workman noticed the greedy man going across the road every day, and decided to follow him. The next day, the greedy man dug down for his gold brick, but the hole was empty. He pulled at his hair, and cried out in sorrow. “My beautiful gold brick!” he wept. A neighbor came running, and asked the greedy man what had happened. When the greedy man told him, the neighbor just shrugged his shoulders. “Why be so sad?” said the neighbor. Just go get a rock and put it in that hole, and pretend that it is gold. It will do you as much good as the gold did.”

2.Why did the greedy man bury his gold brick? 

A. He didn’t have a house. 

B. He thought it would grow into a tree of gold. 

C. He was afraid someone would steal it.  

C. He was afraid someone would steal it


2. What are characteristics of a poem? 

a. It has stage directions, a story, and dialogue 

b. It has stanzas and has rhythm to the words 

c. It has a beginning, middle, and end, setting, and characters

b. It has stanzas and has rhythm to the words 


2. What is an example of a theme? 

a. The story takes place in London 

b. Believe in yourself. 

c. The main character’s name is Mr. Alton

b. Believe in yourself


What is an antonym for the word stressed?

a. pressure

b. burden

c. overwhelmed

d. carefree

d. carefree


3. What are character traits? 

a. How a person acts, feels, and thinks 

b. A play for radio, theatre, or television 

c. Something done by someone in the story

a. How a person acts, feels, and thinks 


The Greedy Man

There once was a very greedy man who sold everything he owned and bought a brick of gold. He buried the gold brick behind a hut that was across the road from his shabby old house. Every day, the greedy man went across the road and dug up his gold brick to look at it. After a while, a workman noticed the greedy man going across the road every day, and decided to follow him. The next day, the greedy man dug down for his gold brick, but the hole was empty. He pulled at his hair, and cried out in sorrow. “My beautiful gold brick!” he wept. A neighbor came running, and asked the greedy man what had happened. When the greedy man told him, the neighbor just shrugged his shoulders. “Why be so sad?” said the neighbor. Just go get a rock and put it in that hole, and pretend that it is gold. It will do you as much good as the gold did.”

3. Why did the greedy man go and dig up his gold brick every day? 

A. Looking at it made him sad. 

B. Looking at it made him happy. 

C. He wanted to sell it.

B. Looking at it made him happy


3. What are structural elements? 

a. Lines of words arranged in a rhythmic pattern 

b. Ordinary language that people use in writing 

c. Components that build a story such as character & setting

c. Components that build a story such as character & setting


3. What is the theme of the fable?

A Dove saw an Ant fall into a brook. The Ant struggled in vain to reach the bank, and in pity, the Dove dropped a blade of straw close beside it. Clinging to the straw like a shipwrecked sailor to a broken spar, the Ant floated safely to shore.

Soon after, the Ant saw a man getting ready to kill the Dove with a stone. But just as he cast the stone, the Ant stung him in the heel, so that the pain made him miss his aim, and the startled Dove flew to safety in a distant wood.

a. Don't fall into rivers if you're small

b. Doves are kind animals

c. Kindness is never wasted

c. Kindness is never wasted


Write an example of a word using the prefix re- and the prefix dis-

Example: redo, reteach, rewrite

Example: disloyal, dishonest, disagree 


4. What character traits describe Brad? 

Brad got to school and had a huge pit in his stomach. He was terrified to go to class because he had forgotten to do this homework, and he knew his teacher would be mad. He wanted to crawl in a hole and hide out instead of facing Mr. Girard that day. 

a. Tired and bored 

b. Happy and excited 

c. Anxious and nervous

c. Anxious and nervous

The Greedy Man

 There once was a very greedy man who sold everything he owned and bought a brick of gold. He buried the gold brick behind a hut that was across the road from his shabby old house. Every day, the greedy man went across the road and dug up his gold brick to look at it. After a while, a workman noticed the greedy man going across the road every day, and decided to follow him. The next day, the greedy man dug down for his gold brick, but the hole was empty. He pulled at his hair, and cried out in sorrow. “My beautiful gold brick!” he wept. A neighbor came running, and asked the greedy man what had happened. When the greedy man told him, the neighbor just shrugged his shoulders. “Why be so sad?” said the neighbor. Just go get a rock and put it in that hole, and pretend that it is gold. It will do you as much good as the gold did.”

4. Why did the greedy man find that the hole was empty, and his gold brick was gone? 

A. The workman had stolen it. 

B. The greedy man had sold it. 

C. The greedy man’s neighbor had stolen it. 

A. The workman had stolen it. 


4. What is a structural element of this story? 

It was a dark winter day and the air was bitterly cold. Toad and Mouse sat by the fire trying to stay warm. Toad sat in a fireside chair sipping a cup of tea. Mouse sat on the rug near the fire’s hearth knitting a new pair of mittens. Mouse rubbed his paws together to try and keep his fingers from freezing stiff, and thinking about playing ball in the warm sun. Toad was lost in a daydream wishing it was spring and he could hop through the flowers again.

a. The story is a paragraph long 

b. The two characters in the story are Toad and Mouse

c. The two characters, Toad and Mouse, are talking to each other

b. The two characters in the story are Toad and Mouse


4. What is the theme of the fable?

A Wild Boar was sharpening his tusks busily against the stump of a tree, when a Fox happened by. Now the Fox was always looking for a chance to make fun of his neighbors. So he made a great show of looking anxiously about, as if in fear of some hidden enemy. But the Boar kept right on with his work.

"Why are you doing that?" asked the Fox at last with a grin. "There isn't any danger that I can see."

"True enough," replied the Boar, "but when danger does come there will not be time for such work as this. My weapons will have to be ready for use then, or I shall suffer for it."

a. Being prepared for war is the best way to guarantee of peace.

b. Fox is lazy and Boar is not 

c. Don't make fun of others

a. Being prepared for war is the best way to guarantee of peace.


Rewrite this sentence with proper grammar, punctuation, and spelling: 

during marshas sleepover the girls’ were scared that theyre were ghosts in the attic

During Marsha's sleepover, the girls were scared that there were ghosts in the attic. 


5. In the story of, “The 3 Little Pigs”, what is an event that occurred? 

a. The three little pigs 

b. The wolf huffed, and he puffed, and he blew the house down 

c. A land far, far, away

b. The wolf huffed, and he puffed, and he blew the house down


Think about what makes the most sense, to draw a conclusion: The neighbor told the greedy man that he might as well bury a rock in the hole and pretend that it was gold. 

5. This is probably because: 

A. The neighbor wanted the gold brick for himself.

B. The neighbor wanted to be the greedy man’s friend. 

C. The gold brick had not done the greedy man any real good.

C. The gold brick had not done the greedy man any real good.


5. Which is an example of stage directions? 

Chen: I can't wait to tell all the other kids at school how brave we are. Nobody else is brave enough to go inside on Halloween. 

Kim: I don't think this is a very good idea. I mean, what if there is a ghost in this room? 

Chen: Don't be silly, Kim. There is no such thing as a ghost. (A loud crash comes from downstairs. Both kids scream.) 

Kim: Maybe we should get out and go home. We don't have to tell anyone that we weren't brave enough to spend the night here. 

Chen: Listen! I think someone is coming up the stairs. 

Kim: I knew it! There is a ghost here! (The door slowly opens.) 

Chen: (scared) W-h-ho is it? 

a. Don’t be silly, Kim 

b. (The door slowly opens.) 

c. W-h-ho is it?

b. (the door slowly opens.)


Read the following poem by Langston Hughes. What is the theme of the poem?

Hold fast to dreams
For if dreams die
Life is a broken-winged bird
That cannot fly.

Hold fast to dreams
For when dreams go
Life is a barren field
Frozen with snow.

a. Dreams help us in life

b. Follow your dreams before its too late

c. Dreams are like a broken-winged bird

b. Follow your dreams before it's too late


Rewrite this sentence using proper grammar, punctuation, and spelling. 

the teacher replied i have some extras in the closset.

The teacher replied, "I have some extras in the closet."