Supporting Evidence
Unknown Phrases
Unknown Words

 In a text about penguins, it states that they have waterproof feathers and can swim very fast. Which claim best supports the inference that penguins are well-adapted to life in water?

a. Penguins eat fish
b. Penguins live in cold climates
c. Penguins have waterproof feathers
d. Penguins cannot fly

c. Penguins have waterproof feathers


Jenny's teacher handed back the math tests. Jenny frowned and quickly put her test in her backpack. What can you infer about Jenny's test result?

She did not do well on the test.


After reading about a student who studies every day, gets good grades, and helps others with their homework, which claim best supports the inference that the student is hardworking?

a. The student helps others with homework
b. The student is popular in school
c. The student wears glasses
d. The student studies daily

d. The student studies daily

"Scientists studied the math smarts of baby chicks by raising them with yellow balls as their "brothers and sisters." They let the chick watch as they moved the balls around behind two screens, so that one screen hid more. The chick always ran to the larger hidden group-proving that it had been keeping track in its head."

What does the phrase "Keeping track" mean?

A. The chick was frightened and looked for where its "brothers and sisters" were hidden

B. the chick was sad without its "brothers and sisters" and did not realize they were hidden

C. the chick chased all of its "brothers and sisters" behind the wall as they were hidden

D. the chick followed along and knew where most of its "brothers and sisters" were hidden

D. the chick followed along and knew where most of its "brothers and sisters" were hidden


"To get his mind off this, Steve began looking at the other inventions, but that made him feel worse because they were all so impressive than his: a shark-detector swimsuit, a bed that made itself, and a pencil that knew homework."

What does impressive mean?

A. amazing

B. funny

C. inexpensive

D. simple

A. amazing


Which set of lines supports the inference that people should be proud of themselves for what they do?

A. "It's cool to be creative. It's fun to use your mind."

B. "We all possess the power to do creative things."

C. "Use all your colored pencils to create a new design."

D. "Now look at your creation. You're the one who made it real!"

D. "Now look at your creation. You're the one who made it real!"


When reading about a historical figure who "stood up for what they believed in despite facing criticism," what can you infer about their character?

a. They were easily influenced by others
b. They lacked confidence in their beliefs
c. They were indecisive
d. They were courageous and principled

d. They were courageous and principled


Which quotation supports the ifnerence that being able to recognize differences in amounts may help animals stay safe?

A. "Animals will even pick more of something when it means they get less overall."

B. "If a predator strikes, a fish in a shoal 40 is less likely to become lunch than fish in a shoal of 10. So if a fish has a choice between two shoals, it's better to join the larger one."

C. "Fish and honeybees can be trained to get through a maze by choosing turns marked by a certain number of dots-to find the way out, they have to count."

D. "Some animals can count much higher than three. A pigeon can learn to peck a button exactly 24 times."

B. "If a predator strikes, a fish in a shoal 40 is less likely to become lunch than fish in a shoal of 10. So if a fish has a choice between two shoals, it's better to join the larger one."


Steve watched as Mom picked up an apple and turned it deftly in her hands, using the little peeler to shave curls of red skin. "That's going to take forever," he said, eyeing the waiting mountain of apples. Then he swiped an apple, figuring Mom would probably be grateful. 

What does the phrase "mountain of apples" mean?

A. the apples were in a large pile

B. the apples were ready to be picked

C the apples had grown quite larger.

D. The apples had been washed in the sink

A. the apples were in a large pile


"Express yourself in different ways. Build castles in the sand. Compose  a song and sing it with musicians in a band."

What does the word compose mean?

A. joke about

B. listen to 

C. make up

D. wonder about

C. make up


In the phrase "The baby was as light as a feather," what is being compared?

a. The baby and a bird
b. The baby's weight and a feather's weight
c. The baby's color and a feather's color
d. The baby's softness and a feather's softness

b. The baby's weight and a feather's weight


When reading about a scientist's discovery, if the text mentions "years of hard work and dedication," what can you infer about the discovery process?

a. It was quick and easy
b. It required persistence and effort
c. The scientist was lucky
d. The discovery was accidental

b. It required persistence and effort


Which quotation supports the inference that Steve believed it was important to be truthful?

A. "At school the next day, all the kids pinned their drwaings on the bulletin board. Steve stood by his diagram, eagerly waiting for Mrs. Nell to congratulate him on his clever idea." 

B. "To get his mind of this, Steve began looking at the other inventions, but that made him feel worse because they were all so much more impressive than his: a shark-detector swimsuit, a bed that made itself, and a pencil that knew homework answers."

C. "When it was Steve's turn to describe his invention, he shuffled his feet and tried not to mumble the words he wished he didn't have to say. 'After I invented this apple peeler, I found out it had already been invented.'"

D. "'That proves that you truly understood the assignment was about. In fact, she said with a chuckle, 'I think reinventing something you never knew existed means that you must have the mind of an inventor.'"

C. "When it was Steve's turn to describe his invention, he shuffled his feet and tried not to mumble the words he wished he didn't have to say. 'After I invented this apple peeler, I found out it had already been invented.'"

"Over time, the Missouri River had changed its course, and many of these sunken steamboats now appeared to be buried beneath dry land. The men knocked on people's doors asking permission to search their fields. After countless miles and three years, their search for nine steamboats left them empty-handed."

What does the phrase "Left them empty-handed" mean?

They found nothing


"A pigeon can learn to peck a button exactly 24 times-no more, no less-to get a treat. It can even remember its placed and resume counting if interrupted."

What does resume mean?

A. continue

B. forget

C. gather

D. prevent

A. continue


"Being able to tell more from less is one of the most basic math talents. And it's one that a surprising number of animals have. A robin will pick the log with more mealworms. A salamander will pick the container with more fruit flies. Animals will even pick more of something when it means they get less overall. Horses, for examples, will go for three tiny apples over two much larger ones."

Based on the paragraph, the reader can infer...

A. some animals are better at counting than comparing size

B. it is difficult for most animals to count past three

C. It is sometimes harmful to animals to choose a larger amount

D. certain animals can be trained to compare similar amounts

C. It is sometimes harmful to animals to choose a larger amount


In a text about climate change that mentions "rising sea levels," what can you infer about coastal areas?

a. They will become more populated
b. They may face flooding in the future
c. The weather will always be perfect
d. Sea animals will disappear

b. They may face flooding in the future


Which quotation supports the inference that finding a sunken steamboat takes patience?

A. "Maps revealed that the Arabia lay buried in a Kansas cornfield on Norman Sortor's property."

B. "So when the four men asked Sortor for permission to search on his land, he warned 'you can try to dig the Arabia, but you won't reach her.'"

C. The men were not discouraged. They agreed to give the landowner a percentage of any artifacts found."

D. But they had to wait until the corn was harvested before they could stake out the boat's dimensions. Finally, they began digging."

D. But they had to wait until the corn was harvested before they could stake out the boat's dimensions. Finally, they began digging."


"New York City has a melting pot of cultures. It is known for having citizens with many different countries." What does the phrase "melting pot of cultures" mean?

a. Everyone there is the same
b. The city has diverse cultures
c. No one in the city travels
d. The city has no cultural activities

b. The city has diverse cultures


In the sentence "The dilapidated house stood out in the well-maintained neighborhood," what does the word "dilapidated" most likely mean?

a. Newly built
b. Run-down and in poor condition
c. Expensive and luxurious
d. Colorful and eye-catching

b. Run-down and in poor condition


Which quotation supports the inference that people in the past were unaware that some tooth cleaners were harmful?

A. "In private, people often rubbed their teeth with a piece of mallow root to make them whiter."

B. People hadn't made the connection between sugar and tooth decay. In fact, a favorite homemade toothpaste of the 17th and 18th centuries was. a mixture of sugar and honey."

C. "The Japanese made a tooth powder from dirt mixed with salt, with a touch of musk for a pleasant smell."

D. "By the late 1600s, the Enligsh were selling prepared tooth powders in sealed papers for 12 pence each."

B. People hadn't made the connection between sugar and tooth decay. In fact, a favorite homemade toothpaste of the 17th and 18th centuries was. a mixture of sugar and honey."


Which quotation supports the inference that Ponto respected Tabby?

A. "But there was one ride she had never had before in all her life. Indeed, she owuld never have taken it, but Ponto made her go."

B. Every evening, when Ponto came into the yard, the two friends would run down one little hill from the house and up another little hill to the barn where Mary was milking."

C. "Now, Ponto thought Tabby was a wonderful cat. He had seen her catch rats, and he knew that she could do some things that even he could not."

D. "He called to her, with a bark, to 'Jump in and swim across.' But she only replied with an irritated 'Meow,' which he did not hear."

C. "Now, Ponto thought Tabby was a wonderful cat. He had seen her catch rats, and he knew that she could do some things that even he could not."


Which quotation from the text supports the main idea that numerous animals have a natural ability to understand small numbers?

A. "Fish and honeybees can be trained to get through a maze by choosing turns marked by a certain number of dots. To find their way out, they have to count."

B. "A pigeon can learn to peck a button exactly 24 times- no more, no less-to get a treat."

C. "These tests have led scientists to think that many animals, including humans, are born with a basic number sense. Some think we have an 'estimating' sense for large numbers, and a 'counting' sense for numbers up to four."

D. "Unlike human children, animals, never see the general pattern-after learning 1, 2, and 3, they don't figure out on their own that a group of 4 must come next."

C. "These tests have led scientists to think that many animals, including humans, are born with a basic number sense. Some think we have an 'estimating' sense for large numbers, and a 'counting' sense for numbers up to four."


When these sensors see bright light after a period of darnkess, they signal the crab's brain that the body should be on the "morning" part of its cycle. If it isn't the master clock speeds up a bit every day until it's back in sync with the dawn.

What does the author mean by the phrase "back in sync"?

A. getting lost in time

B. matching the time

C. moving slower in time

D. remembering the time

B. matching the time


 Read the following sentence: "The tenacious climber refused to give up, even when faced with the steepest part of the mountain." Which word is closest in meaning to "tenacious"?

a. Weak
b. Fearful
c. Determined
d. Careless

c. Determined