Medieval Europe
The Crusades
Islamic World
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True or False: In 476 A.D. the ENTIRE Roman Empire fell to the Barbarians? 

False: it fell and split in two 


What was the military result of the first crusade in 1099 CE? 

A. European Christians captured Jerusalem

B. Norman invaders took control of England

C. Muslim forces conquered the Iberian Peninsula 

D. Ottoman Turks took over the Byzantine Empire 

A. European Christians captured Jerusalem 


What do Islam, Judaism, and Christianity all have in common? 

A. They are polytheistic 

B. They are all led by the pope 

C. They are all Monotheistic

D. They all believe in a prophet named Muhummad 

C. They are all Monotheistic


Which of the five pillars is focused on giving back to others/poor at least 2.5% of their income? 

A. Alms or zakat 

B. Sawm 

C. Shahada 

D. Hajj

A. Alms or ZAKAT


In the Feudal system, serfs were peasants who farmed the land for a lord. Serfs were not allowed to leave the land they farmed. 

Serfs lacked freedom but were granted? 

A. Wealth

B. Political Power 

C. Protection 

D. Learning opportunities 

C. Protection 


What caused the spread of the black death? 

A. Sick Sailors 

B. King John's Knights 

C. Infected Beatles 

D. Infected Fleas 

D. Infected Fleas 


Which statement describes one result of the Crusades? 

A. Mongols gained control of trade routes in central Asia

B. Jewish communities in Europe grew in size and influence

C. Exchange of goods and ideas between Europe and Asia Increased 

D. Vikings raided Europe while lords and knights were away fighting 

C. Exchange of goods and ideas between Europe and Asia Increased


What made the capital city of Constantinople desirable (select two)? 

A. Natural protective borders 

B. Access to silk from Africa 

C. Rich in natural resources 

D. Access to sea travel and trade 

A, D 


A Samurai has the same job in the Japanese feudal system as a knight has in the European feudal system. This is to provide _____________? 

A. Food 

B. Protection 

C. Land 

D. All of the above 

B. Protection 


Use the information in the list to answer the question: 

- possessed political power as well as spiritual authority 

- led cardinals, bishops and priests 

- Wealthier than any individual monarch 

A. Pope 

B. Monk

C. Feudal Lord 

D. Master Artisan 

A. Pope


What was the Eastern part of the Roman Empire called and what was its capital? 

A. Mongol Empire, Istanbul  

B. Ottoman Empire, Constantinople 

C. Holy Roman Empire, Rome 

D. Byzantine Empire, Constantinople 

D. Byzantine Empire, Constantinople


What effect did the Crusades have on Europe? 

A. Decline of Feudalism 

B. Decline of Church authority 

C. Decline in international trade 

D. Decline in the power of monarchs 

A. Decline of Feudalism 


Trade routes allowed Arab merchants to ________??

A. Interact with groups from Asia and Europe 

B. Risk their lives daily by interacting with foreign groups 

C. see how little opportunity they had compared to European merchants 

D. trade mainly on silk road 

A. Interact with groups from Asia and Europe


Charlemagne is known for which of the following? (select two)

A. Splitting the Roman Empire into two parts 

B. Uniting the West under one empire 

C. Supporting the catholic church and pope 

D. Being a strict military dictator 

B. Uniting the West under one empire 

C. Supporting the catholic church and pope 


What is the word for the spread of cultural beliefs and social traditions from one society to another 

A. Cultural transfusion 

D. Cultural Diffusion 

C. Societal spread 

D. Societal Transfer 

 D. Cultural Diffusion


Which two very important documents were influenced by the Magna Carta (select two)? 

A. The Emancipation Proclamation 

B. The Declaration of Independence 

C. Bill of Rights 

D. Constitutional Monarch Document 

B, C 


Events of the Crusades: 

Battle of Civetot: Crusaders attack turkey in 1096

Battle of Tripoli: Crusaders take control of Tripoli in 1109

Siege of Granada: Crusaders retake control of Ganada in 1492 

Based on these events, which of the following statement about the Crusades is true? 

A. The crusades were an immediate failure

B. The crusades took place across several centuries and locations 

C. Crusades were an overwhelming success for Europe 

D. The Crusades did not have support from different nations

B. The crusades took place across several centuries and locations


Islam spread to what parts of the world after Muhummad's death?

A. Europe and Asia 

B. South Africa

C. Northern Africa and the Middle East 

D. Spain and Northern Europe 

C. Northern Africa and the Middle East


The Magna Carta is known for? 

A. Increasing the power of the monarchy 

B. Decreasing the power of nobles 

C. Giving more rights to peasants 

D. Limiting the power of the Monarchy 

D. Limiting the power of the Monarchy


What were Justinian's accomplishments? (select two)

A. Codified Roman Laws 

B. Built the Hagia Sophia 

C. Unified the Roman Empire 

D. Changed the Capital to Istanbul 

A and B 


How did the Bubonic Plague have a negative effect on Asian Civilizations? 

A. It decreased the European demand for Asian goods 

B. It destroyed much of the crops grown by Asian farmers 

C. It killed over 50% of the African population that sold goods to Asian traders 

D. It killed over 75% of the Asian population 

A. It decreased the European demand for Asian goods


In what ways could the crusades be considered a failure? 

A. The holy land was completely destroyed 

B. New ideas and inventions spread to Europe 

C. Crusaders never gained permanent control of the holy land

D. Trade between Europe and Asia Increased 

C. Crusaders never gained permanent control of the holy land


What is one example of why the Islamic Empire was able to expand

A. They will abolish slavery in conquered areas 

B. They will not force people to pay taxes 

C. They will not force people to serve as soldiers 

D. They will not force people to convert to Islam 

D. They will not force people to convert to Islam 


What were the motivations for Crusades? (select two): 

A. Removing Muslims from the Holy land 

B. Spreading Islam 

C. Spreading Christianity and Catholic Church 

D. A message from God to Allah

A & C 

A. Removing Muslims from the Holy land

C. Spreading Christianity and Catholic Church  


Name three achievements of the Golden Age of Islam (select three): 

A. Astrology

B. Creation of the alphabet  

C. Mathematics 

D. Arab merchants spreading their ideas through trade routes 

A, C, and D