A New
Island Home

Which event came first in the passage?

A. Mrs. Plumlee tended her garden.

B. The characters ran into storms.

C. Mrs. Plumlee packed the boat.

D. The characters went sailing.


A. Mrs. Plumlee tended to her garden.


What type of figurative language is this an example of?

Bud walked over to the woodpile as cool as a cucumber.



This sentence contains two errors. Rewrite the sentence correctly.

did you like the ending of the movie

Did you like the ending of the movie?


What is the theme of a text?

The lesson or message of the story


Point of View

What is the difference between a story told in first person vs. third person?

First person is told by someone in the story, usually the main character.

Third person is told by a narrator.


What is similar about Mrs. Plumlee's old island home and her new island home? 

A. Both homes are on the ocean.

B. She could smell fresh fried plantains while at both houses.

C. They were the same home.

D. Mrs. Plumlee could see the boats floating in the harbor from both houses.

C. They are the same home.


The singer’s voice was the sun bursting through the clouds.

What type of figurative language is this an example of?



What change if any is needed to the text below?

In general complementary

A. In general. Complementary

B. In general: complementary

C. In general, complementary

D. No change

C. In general, complementary


What is the theme of the poem "Little by Little"

A. One can achieve goals by working slowly and carefully.

B. One will find great treasures by searching under large trees.

C. Valuable lessons can be learned by studying leaves on trees.

D. Children should focus in school but also play games with friends.

A. One can achieve goals by working slowly and carefully.


Sound Devices

How would the sound device below help to add to a story?

Crunch went the leaves as I walked down the street.

It helps the reader to imagine the sounds surrounding the character as they are walking.


What lesson did both the student in "Travel Journal" and Mrs. Plumlee in "A New Island Home" learn? 

A. It is always good to come home again.

B. Traveling to new places is scary.

C. Traveling alone is not as fun as traveling with      others.

D. There are many wonderful people to meet on a trip.

A. It is always good to come home again.


The MAP test was a piece of cake!

What type of figurative language is this an example of?



What change, if any, is needed to the text below?

frogs snakes, and even armadillos

A. frogs snakes and, even armadillos

B. frogs, snakes, and even armadillos

C. frogs snakes, and, even armadillos

D. No change

B. frogs, snakes, and even armadillos


     Grace had waited a long time for this moment. She had finally earned her spot on her country’s Olympic basketball team. This was a goal that she did not easily achieve. She sighed as she remembered all the trials and challenges she had faced. First, there was the broken wrist at age 15, which had taken months and months to heal. She had been afraid the injury would keep her from being becoming a great basketball player. Then, she had not been chosen to be on the team twice during national tryouts. Each time, she felt like giving up, but realized she needed to keep trying and work harder. Finally, after eight years, here she was, ready to become an Olympic basketball player and realize her dream!

Which statement best describes the theme of this passage?

a)It takes eight years to become an Olympic athlete.

b)When you have perseverance and work hard, you can reach your dreams.

c)Grace became an Olympic basketball player.

b)When you have perseverance and work hard, you can reach your dreams.


What does it mean to compare and contrast? What is an example of a clue word for each?

To tell the similarities and differences of a text, character, etc.

Compare: Also, alike, similar, same, both

Contrast: Although, however, difference, unlike


Both the "Travel Journal" and "A New Island Home" tell about going on a trip. How were their travels different?

A. The student traveled with friends, but Mrs.Plumlee did not.

B. Mrs.Plumlee left her home for a vacation, but the student left her home for a school trip.

C. Mrs.Plumlee was looking for a new home, but the student was traveling for a chorus trip.

D. The student traveled to visit museums, but Mrs.Plumlee traveled to visit gardens.


C. Mrs.Plumlee was looking for a new home, but the student was traveling for a chorus trip.


I’ve told you a million times to do your homework.

What type of figurative language is this an example of?



How do you correctly quote the text?

A. In the text it says Immigrants, like Leonard Covello, faced many challenges.

B. In the text it says "Immigrants, like Leonard Covello, faced many challenges.

C. In the text it says, "Immigrants, like Leonard Covello, faced many challenges."

D. In the text it says, "Immigrants, like Leonard Covello, faced many challenges".

C. In the text it says, "Immigrants, like Leonard Covello, faced many challenges."


Building a tiny house is not an easy task. The Sharp family knew they could do it, though, if they all worked together. They each had a special job and took turns with smaller tasks. While Mr. Sharp built the frame, Mrs. Sharp prepared the windows and doors to be added. Kya worked on sanding and painting, and Seth added shingles to the roof. Within three months, the family had built a beautiful tiny home, complete with a loft and outside deck. It was the perfect house!

Which statement best describes the theme of this passage?

A. Tiny homes are difficult to build.

B. The Sharp family members are hard workers.

C. With cooperation and teamwork, you can do difficult things.

C. With cooperation and teamwork, you can do difficult things.


What does it mean to make an inference?

To make an educated guess that is supported by the text.

What were Mrs. Plumlee's thoughts about the first and second islands? Select one statement for each island.

First Island: ______________

Second Island: ______________

*The house was too small   

*The Banyan trees were too big

*The cove was not calm enough

*There was no room for a garden

First Island: The cove was not calm enough

Second Island: There was no room for a garden.


The stars danced playfully in the moonlit sky.

What type of figurative language is this an example of?



Rewrite the phrase below, being sure to follow the format of titles in books, movies, etc.

The chapter coming to the golden land from the book shutting out the sky 

The chapter "Coming to the Golden Land" from the book Shutting Out the Sky


Jacob excitedly hurried home after school. He ran into the house, grabbed a quick snack, and then grabbed his bat and glove. The weather was beautiful, and his friends were all gathering at the field to play baseball. Just as he was ready to leave for the field, he remembered that he had promised his mom that he would vacuum the living room and bedrooms. He knew if he took the time to do the chores, he most likely would miss a lot of time playing ball with his friends. Jacob also did not want to disappoint his mom by not keeping his promise. He grabbed the vacuum and got to work. Later that night, Jacob’s mom was so thankful that he had helped with the vacuuming. She knew she would always be able to count on him.

Which statement best describes the theme of this passage?

A. Being responsible shows people that they can trust you.

B. Helping with chores is not fun.

C. Vacuuming is always more important than baseball.

A. Being responsible shows people that they can trust you.


Bias - A strong opinion or feeling formed beforehand based on how you were raised or sometimes without thought or reason.

Example: Everyone knows that blonde hair is the best!

Which of the following is biased?

A.The referee called a flag on the play.

B.The Titans won the game on Sunday.

C.The crowd booed when the referee called a flag on the play against the Titans.

D.The other team only scored one touchdown.

C.The crowd booed when the referee called a flag on the play against the Titans.