Spanish/American War to WWI
WWI to Great Depression
Great Depression to WWII
WWII to Cold War

The goal of US imperialism in the late 1800s was to secure what overseas?

New economic markets


President Woodrow Wilson's Fourteen Points were primarily concerned with achieving what lofty goal following  WWI?

Lasting world peace


The Great Migration not only allowed African Americans more access to better jobs but also a platform to present their achievements in art/music/culture in a movement called....

The Harlem Renaissance


Cash/Carry and Lend/Lease programs during WWII allowed the US to aid its European allies against who, without formally entering the war?

Nazi Germany


What Pacific territory did the US wage war with after the nation was acquired after the Spanish American War?



This movement in the US involved African Americans moving north to escape the persecution of Jim Crow laws in the South as well as to find better jobs in northern cities.

The Great Migration


Adding to the already tough financial situation in the 1930s, bad farming practices and drought in the Midwest led to what period of dry ground, dust storms, and food shortages?

The Dust Bowl


President Truman approved the use of atomic bombs on Japan because it had been determined it might cost th lives of upwards of 1 million American soldiers to do what to Japan?



The Panama Canal was built partly to allow more efficient sea transport between the ______ and _____ coasts of the US?

East and West


During WWI, the need for more industrial output for the war effort led to more job opportunities for both women and....

African Americans


This practice of trying to guess where stock prices would rise and fall led to many risky investments prior to the Great Depression that yielded massive loss.

Stock Speculation


The United States entered the Korean War on the side of the South Korea as part of what US foreign policy aimed at the spread of communism around the world?



The US resisted joining the League of Nations due primarily because people in the US still favored what foriegn  policy which kept the US mostly out of world affairs?



This car manufacturing mogul helped normalize the assembly line which led to faster and more efficient car production.

Henry Ford


Due to opposition in federal courts FDR proposed adding members to what judicial body to try and give him support for his New Deal programs?

The Supreme Court


The Jim Crow era of "separate but equal" in regards to African American access to public services began to crumble in the wake of what Supreme Court decision regarding public schools?

Brown v Board of Education


This German naval policy which led to attacks on both US military and commercial ships and US entrance into WWI was called?

Unrestricted submarine warfare


Prior to the rise of the television, what product also allowed Americans all over the country to listen to the same stories/news/sports and led tot he development of a shared national identity?

The radio


The entrance of the US into WWII paved the way for which group to suddenly be afforded more industrial job opportunities?
