Escalating Cold War
Cold War Foreign Policy
Collapse of the Soviet Union
Middle Eastern Conflicts
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How did the Second Red Scare and

McCarthyism affect American society?

What is Americans were investigated to determine

whether they were loyal to the American



why did peaceful negotiations between the United States and the Soviet Union begin to take place during the 1970s?

Both sides were worried about nuclear war ending the world.


reflects President Reagan’s

beliefs about the collapse of the Soviet Union?

President Reagan believed that the Soviet Union is in its final days because Communism puts faith in man, while Freedom places faith in God.


studies, what were the effects of the Persian Gulf

War (Operation Desert Storm)?

Saddam Hussein was allowed to remain in power over Iraq.


Iraq had to get rid of all of their weapons of mass destruction.


Kuwait would be recognized as an independent country.


describe the impact new media had in the Presidential

election of 1960?

Television helped Kennedy relate to more

citizens and win election in 1960.


how did the Bay of Pigs contribute to the escalating tensions between the U.S. and Soviet Union?

What is Both countries were fighting for influence over Cuba and its communist regime.


what foreign policy strategy was evident during Pres. Nixon’s administration?

Détente - “relaxation” of Cold War tensions by both sides


describes the current state

of Russian policy?

Gorbachev implemented both economic and

political policies involving citizens in an attempt

to rescue the Soviet Union.


explain the importance of the 1993 World Trade Center

Bombing to modern U.S. foreign policy?

The bombing ushered in a new major threat of

Middle Eastern terrorism.


explain criticism following Hurricane Katrina?

The federal government’s response was not

swift enough to help citizens.


what was the ultimate result of the Cuban Missile Crisis?

Both agreed to limit armament and the proximity

of nuclear weapons to one another.


what did the SALT agreements accomplish during the Cold War?

They limited the types of weapons both sides

would possess and manufacture to help ease



describes the catalyst for the United States to get involved in the Soviet-Afghan War?

The Soviet Union deliberately broke the United

States’ current foreign policy of containing

Communism by invading the resource deprived

country of Afghanistan.


how did Americans react to the terrorist

attacks on September 11, 2001?

Many Americans called for war with Middle

Eastern countries harboring terrorists.


what was the importance of the

Presidential Election of 2008?

Barack Obama became our first African American president.


how does this political cartoon relate to U.S. intervention in Vietnam?

It shows U.S. belief in the “Domino Theory” regarding communism.


what does SALT stand for?

what is The Strategic Arms Limitation Talks.


describe the significance of the Fall of the Berlin Wall?

The Fall of the Berlin wall signified the beginning of a process of reunification and rebuilding for Germany, which the U.S. would continue to support in an effort to reduce the power of Communist leaders.


what was the purpose of the creation of

the Department of Homeland Security?

To protect the United States from terrorist



The Office of Homeland Security was founded when?

October 8, 2001


Who was the communist leader of Cuba?

Fidel Castro


Who was the president of the united states during the SALT agreement?

who is President Nixon


what was the importance of moon

landing to U.S. foreign policy?

This event showed U.S. superiority during the Space Race with the Soviet Union.


what major conflict was the result of the

September 11th attacks?

War on Terrorism


how many planes were hijacked during the 9/11 attacks? 
