Literary Inferences
Informational Inferences
Unknown Words & Phrases
Cite Evidence

What inference can be made by the quote: "I wish every day could be Halloween" (Wonder)?

Auggie's favorite holiday is Halloween, Auggie loves Halloween


The ocean might seem like a strange place to get thirsty. After all, there's water everywhere. But swimmers and sailors can't drink ocean water. That's because ocean water is salt water-and too much salt is toxic to the human body.

Based on this information we can infer...

A. The ocean provides drinking water for people in many countries.

B. It is dangerous for humans to drink ocean water.

C. Sailors and swimmers disklike the taste of ocean water.

D. It is unusual for people to get thirsty when they are in the ocean.

B. It is dangerous for humans to drink ocean water.


"Nobody wants to hang out with him. everyone's way too hung up on being in the popular group, and he's just as far from the popular group as you can get." (Wonder)

What does the phrase "hung up on" mean?

worried about, interested in


Which supports the idea that antibiotics sometimes fail to fight an infenction?

A. "Antibiotics can help doctors cure diseases that were once very hard to treat."

B. "People who are told to take an antibiotic for a couple of weeks might stop taking it before all the medicine is gone."

C. "Resistance means that antibiotics don't always work as well as they should when they come into contact with some types of bacteria."

D. "Research and development will allow them to keep creating new medicines."

C. "Resistance means that antibiotics don't always work as well as they should when they come into contact with some types of bacteria."


In 1347, a merchant ship sailed from Crimea on the Black Sea to Sicily. Onboard were rats infested with fleas that carried a disease called the plague. Soon after, the plague swept through Italy and the rest of Europe. It killed more than one-third of the population.

Why is the Crimean ship historically important?

A. It created a route between Crimea and Sicily

B. It carried rats that spread the plague to Europe

C. It shipped wine and oil from Italy to Crimea 

D. It introduced Europeans to luxury goods

B. It carried rats that spread the plague to Europe


Jack talking about Auggie: "I thought he'd be behind everyone because he hadn't gone to school before. But in most things he's way ahead of me." What inference can be made about Auggie, based on the quote?

Auggie is very smart


Which sentence supports the inference that humpbacks work in groups and form lifelong relationships with other whales?

A. Humpback whales are known for feeding alone or in pairs."

B. When they spot a school of herring, the humpbacks dive into the depths and close in on the fish from below."

C. "Whales are known to use bubbles and loud calls when they try to chase away other whales."

D. "Over the years, the research group has seen that humpback whales often live and hunt together for years."

D. "Over the years, the research group has seen that humpback whales often live and hunt together for years."


"He cut a long stick so that he could put he flowers ion the end of the stick and place them in the sky just so, in a fine pattern, like beadwork."

What does the word "pattern" mean as used in this sentence?

A. a model or good example

B. an ovious personality traits

C. a flight path for an airplane

D. a decorative or artistic design

D. a decorative or artistic design


Which of the following best supports the idea that the Navajo code was hard to crack?

A. "...the first letter of each word spelled out Mt. Suribachi."

B. "The Navajo Code Talkers were unique in cryptographic history"

C. "Even today, their code remains one of the few in history that was never broken."

D. "The Navajo language contained no words for the horrors of war."

C. "Even today, their code remains one of the few in history that was never broken."


Not everyone experienced a Renaissance. Most women had few liberties. A fourteenth century merchant expressed the common attitude toward the female gender: "If you have women in your house, keep them shut up as much as possible." Laborers, servants, tradesmen, and apprentices also had little say in the rules that controlled their lives. In addition, they were poor and illiterate. 

According to the selection, what effect did the Renaissance have on women, tradesmen, and servants?

A. They gained personal wealth.

B. They became better educated.

C. They did not experience its benefits.

D. They were not interested in it.

C. They did not experience its benefits.


What evidence from the book supports the inference that Jack is upset with Julian?

He punches him in the face, he doesn't want to be friends with him anymore, he doesn't want to be partners with him for the science project.


Which best supports the inference that inventors learn from the work of others?

A. "People have dreamed of flying since the beginning of time."

B. "His glider designs shaped the work of Otto Lilenthal."

C. "In 1891, Lilienthal became the first people to launch a manned glider."

D. "Orville Wright was the first to successfully pilot a motorized flight."

B. "His glider designs shaped the work of Otto Lilenthal."


"Are you mad at Mom or something? You've kind of been huffy with her all night long. You know, Auggie, I'm as much to blame for sending you to school as she is." (Wonder)

What word could be used to replace the word "huffy"?

angered, annoyed, testy


Which sentence supports the author's point of view that the coyote is greedy but not evil?

A. "And while he was sleeping, Coyote came along."

B. "Coyote is like all dogs-he's always thinking of food."

C. "But as he ran, he tripped and fell and the bag ripped open."

D. "look at the mess you've made."

B. "Coyote is like all dogs-he's always thinking of food."


"The tears were so thick in my eyes...I was looking for a little tiny spot to disappear into. I wanted a hole I could fall inside of: a little black hole that would eat me up."

What is the tone?

sad, depressed

Which quotation supports the inference that Via is capable of being independent?

A. "I've always understood that August is special and has special needs."

B. "Mom and Dad would always say I was the most understanding little girl in the world."

C. "If I was having trouble with a subject in school, I'd go home and study it until I figured it out on my own."

D. "So I've gotten used to not complaining, and I've gotten used to not bothering Mom and Dad with little stuff."

C. "If I was having trouble with a subject in school, I'd go home and study it until I figured it out on my own."

The norther Italian city-states prospered. So did the Papal States of central Italy and kingdoms in the south. Money bought education for the privileged few. Learning had previously focused on religious studies. It expanded to include grammar, rhetoric, history, poetry, and moral philosophy. Wealthy Italians thought that these subjects would lead to greater understanding of human nature and give them an advantage in business.

Based on the passage we can infer....

A. The Renaissance led to widespread education throughout Italy

B. Education was limited to city-states in northern Italy

C. Religious studies were a primary focus on the Renaissance

D. Wealthy Italians placed great value on education

D. Wealthy Italians placed great value on education


"And this is the way it's always been for me, for the little universe of us. But this year there seems to be a shift in the cosmos." (Wonder)

What does Via mean when she says "shift in the cosmos"?

Things are changing


The 1848 meeting in New York was important in raising public awareness about women's right to vote. Which sentence support this idea?

A. "Back then, we would not have seen women lining up to cast their votes."

B. In most cases, the right to vote was given only to white men who owned property."

C. "This amendment said that all men could vote, no matter what race or color they were."

D. "They believed any attention was good attention."

D. "They believed any attention was good attention."


"For example, a cut or a scratch could allow bacteria to get into the body. People could become very ill-not from the small wound itself but from the infection that followed. Surgery was very risky, and there was no cure for many diseases caused by bacteria."

Which claim do these sentences support?

A. Some antibiotics have stopped working over time.

B. Life before antibiotics could be dangerous.

C. The accidental discovery of antibiotics amazed doctors.

D. Most bacteria in the past did not make people sick

B. Life before antibiotics could be dangerous.


Which quotations supports the inference "Jack is really upset by what he said about Auggie."

A. "All of this hit me in science class while the teacher was talking."

B. "Oh man. It was August!"

C. "I was so weird for hanging out with August all the time, and I felt stupid."

D. "I felt like I was going to puke."

D. "I felt like I was going to puke."


Which sentence supports the inference that Helen Keller wished to help others?

A. "Much of Bell's work was dedicated to deaf education."

B. "This money, along with additional support, allowed Keller to attend Radcliffe College in Boston."

C. "She became a world-famous author, speaker, and political advocate for people with disabilities."

D. "Both Helen Keller and Alexander Graham Bell embraced life."

C. "She became a world-famous author, speaker, and political advocate for people with disabilities."


"For well he knew the silly fly would soon be back again. So he wove a subtle web, in a little corner sly, and set his table ready to dine upon the fly."

What is the meaning of the word "subtle" as it is used to describe the spider's web?

A. very colorful

B. hard to see

C. large enough to catch the fly

D. extremely sticky

B. hard to see


Which detail shows that some people were uncomfortable with the idea of equal treatment for women?

A. People wrote articles about giving women the right to vote.

B. Elizabeth Cady Standton organized a meeting to discuss women's rights.

C. People mocked and made fun of the women at the 1848 meeting.

D. Susan B Anthony became interested in women's suffrage. 

C. People mocked and made fun of the women at the 1848 meeting.


In the Middle Ages, the Church had taught people to think about the afterlife. During the Renaissance, people wanted to enjoy life on earth. Enthusiasm for games, sports, and entertainment blossomed. Music flourished.

What is the main idea?

A. Some of the new inventionas of the Renaissance include music, sports, and games.

B. The Church taught a different message in the Renaissance than it did in the Middle Ages.

C. In the Renaissance, people lost interest in the Church's teachings about the afterlife.

D. Changing values led Renaissance people to seek out various ways to entertain themselves.

D. Changing values led Renaissance people to seek out various ways to entertain themselves.