This text type is made up of lines/verses, stanzas, and may have a rhyme scheme.
What is Poetry?
This text structure describes a major action and the results of the action.
What is Cause & Effect?
This type of figurative language uses like or as when comparing items.
What is a Simile?
A comma belongs in this sentence:
As a result there will be no more playtime.
What is:
As a result, there will be no more playtime.
The beginning portion of a paragraph.
What is Introduction?
This text type is made up of sentences and paragraphs. It is the most common type of text.
What is Prose?
This text structure showcases the similarities and differences between two or more items.
This type of figurative language is literal in comparing items; does not use like or as.
What is a Metaphor?
This contraction can be broken into two words: Won't
What is Will Not?
The ending portion of a paragraph.
What is Conclusion?
This text type contains stage directions, a character list, and is divided up into acts or scenes.
What is Drama?
This text structure goes step-by-step; a series of steps in a process.
What is Chronological Order/Sequential Order?
Combining prior knowledge with information from a passage/text allows the reader to do this:
What is Infer/Make an Inference?
This contraction can be broken into two words: Shan't
What is Shall Not?
This is information from a reading/text used to support our opinion.
What is Text Evidence?
This poem follows a rhyme scheme:
I think it is a funny thing
That some birds whistle, others sing.
The Warbler warbles in his throat,
The Sparrow only knows one note;
But he is better off than some,
For Humming Birds can only hum.
What is AA-BB-CC?
This text structure always includes an obstacle, mishap, or setback and always includes an answer, explanation, or correction.
The term used to describe when an author wants to teach you something without directly saying it. This is when a reader learns throughout the reading from the actions and reactions of the characters.
What is Theme?
The correct spelling of this term: Comunecate
What is Communicate?
This is a shortened retelling that includes only the important information from a reading/text.
What is Summary?
This text element is a consistently found in a drama:
Ellie: "Get out of that tree this instant!"
Johnny: "You will have to come up and get me."
Ellie: "I will do no such thing!"
What is Dialogue?
This text structure is rarely known, but has been seen in different examples. This text structure explains how things feel, smell, taste, sound, or appear.
What is Description?
We use these when we are unfamiliar with a certain word or phrase.
What is Context Clues?
The correct punctuation for this sentence:
Chicken Little exclaimed The sky is falling
What is:
Chicken Little exclaimed, "The sky is falling!"
This type of writing is used to demonstrate the author's beliefs, perspective, or position on certain topics.
What is Opinionated Writing?