The West

Which statement best describes the status of African Americans in the Post-Reconstruction era after 1877?

A. Most African Americans held factory jobs in urban areas throughout the South.

B. Most African Americans were able to take advantage of educational opportunities open to them in Southern colleges.

C. Despite the passage of several constitutional amendments.  African Americans faced institutionalized racism throughout the South.

D. Political rights for African Americans were guaranteed in the South, but restrictions and discrimination increased in the North.


To what group of people did Populism primarily appeal?

A. farmers

B. women

C. city dwellers

D. African Americans


Why did the federal government become involved in the American Railway Union's strike against Pullman?

A. It was unusually violent.

B. It targeted only trains that Pullman had cars on.

C. It was the first successful strike.

D. It involved interstate commerce and mail.


Why were muckrakers important during the Progressive Era?

A. They helped to increase the public's awareness to soceities problems.

B. They improved work efficiency by breaking work down into smaller tasks.

C. They fought to help political machines stay in power.

D. They spearheaded the crusade for prohibition.


During the late nineteenth century, the growth of capitalism encouraged United States imperialism because of the desire of businesses to ___________.

A. industrialize underdeveloped nations

B. compete with foreign markets

C. provide humanitarian aid

D. obtain new markets for American products


Which of the following was NOT a characteristic of the Dawes Act?

A. Gave farm land to Native Americans

B. Was a method of assimilation

C. It was an attempt to preserve Native American culture.

D. Native Americans had to give up communal living.


The Populist Party:

A. divided northern and southern urban workers

B. supported private ownership of railroads

C. excluded African American membership

D. called for "free silver" to help raise prices for farm goods


The diagrams below illustrate two ways of organizing large industrial businesses.  What are the names of these two organizational methods?

A. Horizontal and Vertical Integration

B. Monopolies and Trusts

C. Oil and Steel Integration

D. Vertical Integration and Monopolies


This political cartoon from the 1912 shows the successful election of which of the following presidents?

A. Theodore Roosevelt

B. Woodrow Wilson


D. Howard Taft


Based on the Roosevelt Corollary to the Monroe Doctrine, which of these statements is TRUE?

A. President Roosevelt wants to gain more land for the U.S. in South America.

B. President Roosevelt is against all U.S. intervention in South America.

C. President Roosevelt thinks the U.S. shoud intervene in South American affairs when necessary.

D. President Roosevelt thinks that South American nations are unable to defend themselves.


Which of the following was used to deny African Americans their rights under the 15th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution

A. poll tax

B. segregation

C. sharecropping 

D. assimilation


The following all contributed to the Populist “revolt” EXCEPT:

A. Protective tariffs made the items farmers needed more expensive.

B. Maintaining the gold standard for our currency resulted in low farm prices.

C. The inability to get the Homestead acts passed to provide cheap land in the west.

D. The farmers could not get any real aid from either Democratic or Republican parties.


The American Federation of Labor became the first successful labor union in the United States mainly because it:

A. refused to participate in strikes against employers

B. concentrated on organizing workers in the South

C. formed its own political party and elected many pro-labor party officials

D. fought for the rights of skilled workers


The novel The Jungle was about unsanitary conditions in--

A. tenements

B. factories

C. meatpacking plants

D. zoos


The image above, best depicts which of the following cause of the Spanish American War?

A. The U.S desire for sugar cane plantations.

B. The explosion of the U.S.S Maine.

C. Yellow journalism

D. The De Lome letter

The completion of the Homestead Act and the completion of the Transcontinental Railroad helped to fulfill the US commitment to:

A. Reconstruction

B. Manifest Destiny

C. Racial Equality

D. Conservation of natural resources


Who is represented in the cartoon?

A. William McKinley

B. William Jennings Bryan

C. Oliver Kelly

D. Joseph Glidden


Nineteenth-century nativist organizations advocated-

A. limiting military power through local militias

B. conserving national resources through national parks

C. globalizing the economy to participate in free-trade agreements

D. favoring the native-born by placing restrictions on immigration


Why was the Supreme Court decision in the case of Plessy v. Ferguson important?

A. It increased the number of rights for African Americans.

B. It permitted legal segregation across the U.S.

C. It forced southern states to put a stop to voting restrictions.

D. It established that seperation of races violated the Constitution.


The United States adopted the Open Door policy primarily to _______.

A. spread democracy in Asia

B. secure trade opportunities in China

C. promote immigration to U.S. territories

D. negotiate free trade concessions from Britian


The Pacific Railway Act attempted to do which of the following?

A. Create agricultural colleges to help farmers

B. Pay railroad companies in land grants

C. Create a water route for California

D. Create trails for cattle drives


In 1874, Joseph  Glidden received the first patent for barbed wire. Which statement BEST describes the effect barbed wire had on the western United States?

A. It stopped the expansion of railroads.

B. It prevented farmers from acquiring more land.

C. It allowed more pepole to buy land for their ranches.

D. It ended the ability to have long cattle drives throughout the region.


Which activist does the above chart describe?

A. Samuel Gompers

B. Eugene Debs

C. William Jennings Bryan

D. William McKinley


What is one way the Federal Reserve System regulates economic activity?

A. regulating tariff rates on foreign imports

B. regulating production of consumer goods

C. regulating the amount of money in circulation

D. regulating spending by the federal government 


The Platt Amendment, the Roosevelt Corollary, and the Dollar Diplomacy are evidence of a United States policy of _______.

A. cooperating with Great Britain to solve problems in Latin America

B. reducing the number of Latin American immigrants to the United States

C. expanding its interests in Latin America

D. encouraging the independence and sovereignty of Latin American countries