ACT Grammar Review #1
ACT Grammar Review #2
Literature #1
Literature #2

Which of these correctly completes the sentence?

Permission ____ granted, and Abby borrowed her mother's car later that night to go to the party.

A. were
B. is
C. had been
D. was

D. was


If you find a mistake, choose the answer that corrects the mistake. If there is no mistake, choose 'NO CHANGE'.

Although not being on your phone is one of the most common rules of driving, their are many other rules that help all drivers stay safe on the road. 

B. there are many other rules that help
C. their are many other rules that helps
D. there are many other rules that helps.

B. there are many other rules that help


The word "impassioned" in the following sentence most closely means:

When her car broke down on the side of the road two hours away from her destination, she cried, called her brother, and made an impassioned plea for help.

A. Calm
B. Apathetic
C. Unexcited
D. Emotional

D. Emotional


What is an idiom? (Bonus 200 points for all groups that can name the correct literary device for all of them)

A. The repetition of repeated letters or sounds at the beginning of words: Sally sold seashells by the seashore.
B. To give nature or abstract concepts (like love or war) human qualities and characteristics: The trees stood desolate and broken as war marched through their forests, his broad axe felling all in his path.  
C. Two words or phrases that at first appear contrary, or totally different than one another, but upon deeper reflection, actually do pair well with each other: a humble brag, organized chaos, deafening silence.
D. A phrase whose meaning cannot be understood on the meaning of the individual words alone, but instead needs additional context, (like an in-side joke): It's raining cats and dogs outside.

D. A phrase whose meaning cannot be understood on the meaning of the individual words alone, but instead needs additional context, (like an in-side joke): It's raining cats and dogs outside.


What is a metaphor? (Bonus 200 points for all groups that can name the correct literary device for all of them)

A. A direct comparison between two things by saying one thing is the other: Her smile is the sun.
B. An indirect comparison between two things by saying one is like another thing: Her smile is like the sun.
C. An indirect reference to a thing that is designed to call to attention something about another thing without mentioning that other thing explicitly: Her smile is blessed by Helios.
D. A description of a thing that is exaggerated and not meant to be taken literally: Her smile was wider than the sun!

A. A direct comparison between two things by saying one thing is the other: Her smile is the sun.

(B is a simile; C is an allusion; and D is a hyperbole)


Which of these answers correctly completes the sentence?

The National Honor Society offered students induction into ____ ranks based on their academic achievements.

A. their
B. it's
C. theirs
D. its

D. its


Which of these answers correctly completes the sentence?

Impatient for his dinner, the horse took ____ inside the feed bucket an apple meant that was meant to be his snack. 

A. to
B. from
C. around
D. among

B. from


The word "whimsical" in the following sentence most closely means:

The whimsical fairy tale made me feel like a kid again and brightened my mood tremendously.

A. amusing
B. dreary
C. boring
D. tragic

A. amusing


What is the purpose of a soliloquy in a play

A. To entertain the audience with an exciting speech
B. To address the audience directly
C. To give the character space to voice their internal thoughts
D. To tell the audience additional things about the play

C. To give the character space to voice their internal thoughts


As I reflect on my youth, I remember the summer days I spent on Mount Cheaha, driving old highways with cracked pavement and hiding from the summer heat in swimming holes. I recall a specific incident when I was sixteen. My sister and I took kayaks out early one morning and watched the sun come up.

In the above passage, the narrator's point of view is that of:

A. a therapist
B. am observer with a "bird's eye" view
C. a young girl
D. an adult

D. an adult


In the context of this sentence, what word would be an antonym of the term "inciting".
My father could have made good money selling the bows and arrows he made, but if the officials found out he would have been publicly executed for inciting a rebellion. The idea that someone might be arming the Seam would never have been allowed.

A. starting
B. inspiring
C. preventing
D. encouraging

C. preventing


Which of these answers correctly completes the sentence? If it is correct, choose "NO CHANGE".

The kids want to name their new dog Supercalifragilisticexpealidocious, but there not sure of how to spell it.

B. there/their
C. they're/there
D. their/they're

D. their/they're


The word "revered" in the following sentence most closely means:

You will not get peace by destroying anything beautiful, by pulling down anything which is revered by a nation.

A. admired
B. disliked
C. condemned
D. loathed

A. admired


True or False: The primary focus of American transcendentalist writers in their literary works was to celebrate the uniqueness of each individual, heavily emphasizing self-reliance, critical thinking, and one's own experiences. Writers include Walt Whitman and Emily Dickinson.



True or False: American Gothic writers aimed to break from traditional means of story telling and ways of thinking by experimenting with outlandish forms and techniques of writing, especially because they believed the old ways of thinking had led them to the World Wars. 

American Gothic aims to highlight the flaws and hypocrisy of its modern society, especially by expression of the fears and forbidden desires of the Americans. Writers include Edgar Allan Poe and Harper Lee.

Choose the prepositional phrase that BEST modifies the verb study.

A. In the afternoon, Ben said he would study.
B. Ben said he would study in the afternoon.
C. Ben said in the afternoon he would study.
D. "I will study today," said Ben in the afternoon. 

B. Ben said he would study in the afternoon.


Which of the following sentences does not follow a parallel structure?

A. For dinner, I want steaks, potatoes, and side salads.
B. After months spent at training camps, Katie became an expert at hitting, fielding, and running bases.
C. For success in college, one should have a good grasp of how to study, how to manage time, and paying bills.
D. On my off day, I want to sleep in; I want to watch tv; and I want to get ice cream.

C. For success in college, one should have a good grasp of how to study, how to manage time, and paying bills.


The word "ratification" in the following sentence is an antonym for (DOES NOT mean) which of the following words:

The ratification of the Treaty of Versailles officially ended World War I between the Allies and Germany.

A. approval
B. rejection
C. authorization
D. confirmation

B. rejection


What was the primary focus of American Realist writers in their literary works?

A. Critiquing the lack of individuality and heavy focus on material items in American society
B. The real life and every day routines of Americans, especially in aims to reveal the oppressive and unequal treatment of the lower- and middle-class.
C.  The difficulties of life in the American colonies, especially in regard to Native American conflicts, Puritanical doctrines, and survival hardships.

B. The real life and every day routines of Americans, especially in aims to reveal the oppressive and unequal treatment of the lower- and middle-class.


What was the primary focus of American Modernist writers in their literary works?

A. The difficulties of life in the American colonies, especially in regard to Native American conflicts, Puritanical doctrines, and survival hardships.
B. To highlight the flaws and hypocrisy of its modern society, especially by expression of the fears and forbidden desires of the Americans.
C. Critiquing the lack of individuality and heavy focus on material items in American society.

C. Critiquing the lack of individuality and heavy focus on material items in American society


Which of the following correctly punctuated the underlined portion?

A. You are welcome to borrow my car, however, it needs gas.
B. You are welcome to borrow my car: however, it needs gas.
C. You are welcome to borrow my car however, it needs gas.
D. You are welcome to borrow my car; however, it needs gas.

D. You are welcome to borrow my car; however, it needs gas.

*Transitional phrases*


Which statement accurately expresses the speaker's purpose for using figurative language in this paragraph?

Like many teachers, I wear more than one hat. I am a teacher of my content area. I am also a counselor to students when they need advice. I am a project manager. I am a problem solver. Finally, I am an adult in my community who cares about them and wants them to succeed. 

A. The speaker uses hyperbole to emphasize the difficulty of being a teacher.
B. The speaker uses a metaphor to compare the different roles a teacher fills.
C. The speaker uses an oxymoron to contrast the idea of what job a teacher does with what jobs a teacher actually does.
D. The speaker uses an idiom to describe all the different roles a teacher fills in their students' lives.

D. The speaker uses an idiom to describe all the different roles a teacher fills in their students' lives.


The word "secession" in the following sentence is an antonym for (DOES NOT mean) which of the following words:

The secession of the southern states from the United States of American was a major catalyst for the Civil War.

A. withdrawal
B. breakaway
C. separation
D. unification

D. unification


What was the primary focus of American Colonial (1600s to 1700s) writers in their literary works?

A. To break from traditional means of story telling and ways of thinking, especially because the writers believed the old ways of thinking had led them to the World Wars.
B. The difficulties of life in the American colonies, especially in regard to Native American conflicts, Puritanical doctrines, and survival hardships.
C.  To celebrate the uniqueness of each individual, heavily emphasizing self-reliance, critical thinking, and one's own experiences.

B. The difficulties of life in the American colonies, especially in regard to Native American conflicts, Puritanical doctrines, and survival hardships.


What characteristic is often found in American contemporary and Postmodernist literature?

A. Aimed to break from traditional means of story telling and ways of thinking, especially because these writers believed the old ways of thinking had led them to the World Wars.
B. Critiquing the lack of individuality and heavy focus on material items in American society.
C. To highlight the flaws and hypocrisy of its modern society, especially by expression of the fears and forbidden desires of the Americans.

A. Aimed to break from traditional means of story telling and ways of thinking, especially because these writers believed the old ways of thinking had led them to the World Wars.