American Revolution
Boston Tea Party
Founding Documents
Life Cycles
Inherited Traits & Group Behavior

This battle marked the end of the Revolutionary War when George Washington and his French allies surrounded British forces.

What is the Battle of Yorktown?


The product the colonists threw into Boston Harbor during the Boston Tea Party.

What is tea?


The main purpose of government is to protect these for the people.

What are rights?


This stage comes first in the life cycle of a frog after it hatches from an egg.

What is a tadpole?


This animal’s long neck is an inherited trait that helps it reach food high in trees.

What is a giraffe?


The year the Declaration of Independence was signed.

What is 1776?


The Boston Tea Party was a protest against these imposed by the British on the colonies.

What are unfair taxes?


This document replaced the Articles of Confederation and established the framework for the U.S. government.

What is the U.S. Constitution?


The series of stages all living things go through, from birth to death.

What is a life cycle?


Meerkats live in these to help protect each other from predators.

What are groups?


This group protested British policies and was famously involved in dumping tea into Boston Harbor.

Who are the Sons of Liberty?


This phrase captured the colonists’ frustration about being taxed without a voice in British Parliament.

What is "No taxation without representation"?


This assembly met in Philadelphia and included representatives from twelve of the thirteen colonies to respond to British actions.

What is the First Continental Congress?


The stage between a frog's tadpole form and its adult frog form.

What is a froglet?


The behavior that allows some animals to hide from predators by blending into their surroundings.

What is camouflage?


These acts, passed by Parliament, were designed to punish Massachusetts for the Boston Tea Party.

What are the Intolerable Acts?


The British passed these laws as punishment for the Boston Tea Party.

What are the Intolerable Acts?


This was the first president of the United States, chosen after the creation of the Constitution.

Who is George Washington?


The process a plant goes through when it grows from a seed.

What is germination?


These are the animals that predators hunt for food.

What is prey?


This rebellion in 1786-87 showed that the Articles of Confederation were too weak to govern effectively.

What is Shays' Rebellion?


The British law that taxed all printed materials in the colonies, angering many colonists.

What is the Stamp Act?


This group, alongside the Sons of Liberty, protested British policies before the American Revolution.

Who are the Daughters of Liberty?


Ladybugs go through this special stage in their life cycle after hatching but before becoming an adult.

What is the larva stage?


A trait passed down from parents to offspring, like a zebra’s stripes.

What is an inherited trait?