Colonial regions
Is the following an area of cooperation or an area of conflict between Europeans and Native Americans? Trade
What is cooperation?
This colony was settled by people who had been in debtors’ prisons in England. They hoped to experience economic freedom and start a new life in the New World. What is the name of this colony?
What is Georgia?
Use the following description to identify the colony: Specialization:Tobacco, rice, cotton, indigo, wood products Climate:Humid climate with mild winters and hot summer Social/Political life: Plantations (slavery), mansions, indentured servants, fewer cities, fewer schools Civic life: counties What is the name of this colony
What are the Southern colonies?

The lowest point in North America, in the Basin and Range region

What is Death Valley?

This explorer claimed eastern Canada for England
Who is John Cabot?
This colony was settled by the Quakers, who wanted freedom to practice their faith without interference. Name this colony?
What is Pennsylvania?
Use the following description to identify the colony: Climate:Mild winters and moderate climate, wide and deep rivers Specialization: Livestock, grains and fish Social/Political: Villages and cities, varied and diverse lifestyles, diverse religions Civic life: market towns
What are the Mid Atlantic Colonies?

The group of indigenous people who lived in adobe huts

What are the Pueblo?

Portugal traded metals, cloth, and other manufactured goods to West African societies in exchange for gold. What were the names of the three African Societies?
What are Ghana, Mali, and Songhai?
This colony was settled by the Puritans to avoid religious persecution. What is the name of this colony?
What is the Massachusetts Bay Colony?
Use the following description to identify this colony: Natural resources: timber, fish, deep harbors Human resources:skilled craftsmen, shopkeepers, shipbuilders Climate:Moderate summers, cold winters Civic life: Town meetings What colony is this?
What are the New England colonies?

This economic activity succeeded the most in New England because of the region’s environmental characteristics

What is shipbuilding?

Samuel de Champlain settled what region?
What is the French settlement of Quebec?
This colony was the first permanent English settlement in North America (1607), it was an economic venture by the Virginia Company. What is the name of this colony?
What is Jamestown?
Based on the following description identify this colonial person: Lived predominately in the South Relied on indentured servants and/or enslaved African Americans for labor Were educated in some cases Had rich social culture
Who was a large landowner?

These people had to work for a period of time to pay off a debt and were freed at the end of their contract

What are indentured servants?

What were the accomplishments of explorers?
What are the exchange of goods and ideas, improved navigational tools and ships, and the claiming of territories?
This colony was settled by separatists from the Church of England who wanted to avoid religious persecution. What is the name of this colony?
What is the Plymouth colony?
Identify this colonial person based on the description: Worked as craftsmen in towns and on plantations Lived in small villages and cities
Who are Artisans?

Plymouth was established for which reason?

What is to escape religious persecution?