Double passage informational/Poetry

Use a "A Winning Day" to answer the following question.

Part 1.

What causes Keyshas main conflict?

Select the correct answer.

A. Keysha notices the little boy and thinks he is selfish.

B. Keysha notices the little boy and begins teasing him.

C. Keysha notices a little boy and thinks he is jealous.

D. Keysha notices a little boy crying and feels bad for him.

D. Keysha notices a little boy crying and feels bad for him.


Use "Are Athletes Overpaid?" to answer the question.

Which idea does the author include to support the claim that athletes make too much money? 

A. Not all athletes make as much as Lebron James.

B. Athletes careers are short, which means that thay have a shorter window to earn money.

C. Athletes are an inspiration to many people.

D. Many profesions that put their lives at risk don't come close to making what an athlete makes.

D. Many profesions that put their lives at risk don't come close to making what an athlete makes.


Use “Return of a Rhino” to answer the following question.

1. Details in paragraphs 3 and 4 support the idea that Borneo is a large area of land because-

A. Even after capturing a picture, it took time to find in person.

B. It is the smallest of the five rhino species.

C. A small female Sumatran rhino was captured there.

D. Conservationists were going to relocate at least three other rhinos there.

A. Even after capturing a picture, it took time to find in person.


16)  At the park playground they learn to share and communicate with other dogs.  (17)  They also learn to play with other dogs.

What is the MOST effective way to combine sentences 16 and 17?

A. At the park playground they learn to share and communicate they learn to play with other dogs.

B. At the park playground they learn to share, play, and play with other dogs.

C. At the park playground with other dogs, they learn to communicate and play and share too.

D. At the park playground they learn with other dogs and share and communicate but play.

B. At the park playground they learn to share, play, and play with other dogs.


(22) It didn’t seem like such a small amount would be enough to make a pancake but I soon realized just how much the batter spreads out.

What change should be made in sentence 22?

A Change didn’t to did’nt

Insert a comma after pancake

C Change spreads out to spread out

D Sentence 22 should not be changed  

B Insert a comma after pancake


Use a "A Winning Day" to answer the following question.

Part 2

Which lines from the text support the answer to part 1?

F.  I walked along with Mom.(paragraph 19)

G.  I looked back at the steady stream of people leaving the game. I could see the boy huddled against his dad, who stroked his hair, trying to console him.  (paragraph 22)

H. I looked at Dwight Edwards’s signature on my photograph and thought about how great it had been to meet him. (paragraph 23)

J. I smiled at her. “I got to see Dwight Edwards play the most amazing game ever. (paragraph 29)

G.  I looked back at the steady stream of people leaving the game. I could see the boy huddled against his dad, who stroked his hair, trying to console him.  (paragraph 22)


Use "Are Athletes Overpaid?" to answer questions 1-4.

1. What is one claim the author makes in the selection?

A. LeBron James is the most overpaid athlete and doesn't deserve it.

B. Nurses and the medical field should get paid more.

C. Athletes deserve the pay because they don’t have their jobs for long.

D. Athletes shouldn't be paid more than other important jobs.

D. Athletes shouldn't be paid more than other important jobs.


Use "Harmless Horned Heavy Hitler” to answer the following question.

1. Which lines from the poem “ Harmless Horned Heavy Hitters” support the idea shown in the illustration that the rhino is not content with his current situation?

a. With no regret or remorse (line 15)

b. Leave us alone (line 2)

c. We are tired of running (line 6)

d. I am just fighting for my life. (line 17)

a. With no regret or remorse (line 15)


(18) Some people are opposed to more park times for dogs. (19) They have thoughts about dog'a safety during these park visits. (20) They worry that dogs might not be well supervised.  (21) They say that some park playground equipment is dangerous.  

Brice wants to use a more descriptive word than thoughts in sentence 19.  Which word can BEST replace thoughts in this sentence?

A. emotions

B. vocabulary

C. concerns

D. discussions

C. concerns


(28) Before he could stop me, I smeared the undercooked pancake with my spatula. (29) While I scraped my impatience off the griddle, Dad showed me what he meant by “solid bubbles” and then taught me how to flip the pancakes correct. (30) I was impressed by his skill.

How should sentence 29 be changed? 

A Change scraped to scrapped

B Insert a comma after bubbles 

C Change taught to teached

Change correct to correctly

Change correct to correctly


Use a "A Winning Day" to answer the following question.

Paragraphs 25-27 are important to the plot because-

A. they reveal the resolution to the problem in the story 

B. they provide the climax of the story

C. they  establish a new setting in the story

D. they introduce a new conflict in the stmory

A. they reveal the resolution to the problem in the story 


Use "Are Athletes Overpaid?" to answer questions 1-4.

2. Who is the author most likely addressing in the selection?

A. Someone who thinks athletes are paid too much for their job.

B. Someone considering becoming a professional athlete.

C. Someone considering athletes to be people with more talent than other jobs so they deserve their pay.

D. Someone seeking to attend a basketball game to see Lebron James.

C. Someone considering athletes to be people with more talent than other jobs so they deserve their pay.


Use “Return of a Rhino” and “Harmless Horned Heavy Hitler” to answer the following question.

1. What is the difference between the ending of "Return of a Rhino" and the last stanza of "Harmless Horned Heavy Hitter?:

a. In the article the scientists have a solution to the problem, while in the poem the rhino does not. 

b. In the article the conservationist are attempting to change the rhinos situation, while in the poem the rhino will change their own situation. 

c. In the article it states how rare the rhinos are, while in the poem the rhinos are not aware of how many exists.

d. In the article the poachers are the only reason the rhinos are rare, while in the poem the rhinos are losing their land which causes loss of numbers.

b. In the article the conservationist are attempting to change the rhinos situation, while in the poem the rhino will change their own situation.


(33)  As people learn about the value of park vistits for dogs, more and more people are beginning to continue or increase park visits.  (34)  Experts believe that this is a good thing for any animal. 

Which sentence can BEST be added after sentence 34 to bring this paper to a more effective conclusion?

A. Cities will probably build more dogs parks in the future.

B. Dogs will surely benefit from a little more time at the park.

C. People will enjoy the time at the park with a dog.

D. Instead of a dog park visit when the weather is bad, staying inside is great.

B. Dogs will surely benefit from a little more time at the park.


(24) My father was very clear about how long to wait. (25) Before trying to flip the pancakes over. (26) “Look for solid bubbles to form on top of each pancake,” he instructed.

What is the correct way to write sentences 24 and 25? 

My father was very clear about this. How long to wait before trying to flip the pancakes over. 

My father was very clear. About how long to wait before trying to flip the pancakes over. 

My father was very clear about this he told me how long to wait before trying to flip the pancakes over. 

My father was very clear about how long to wait before trying to flip the pancakes over.

My father was very clear about how long to wait before trying to flip the pancakes over.


Use a "A Winning Day" to answer the following question.

What can the reader infer about Keysha based on paragraph 17?

F. Keysha wants to surprise her mom.

G. Keysha thinks Dwight Edwards is a rude player.

H. Keysha feels very happy because she is finally back with her mom.

J. Keysha feels a sense of relief and excitement for building courage and asking for an autograph.

J. Keysha feels a sense of relief and excitement for building courage and asking for an autograph.


Use "Are Athletes Overpaid?" to answer questions 1-4.

3. What key idea do the details about "Are Athletes Overpaid?" support?

A. Americans with full-time jobs should get paid 3 times as much as athletes.

B. Citizens that help people that play important roles like health and teaching should be recognized and paid more.

C. People with difficult jobs should be paid less than professional athletes. 

D. Athletes are more important than many other job professions.

B. Citizens that help people that play important roles like health and teaching should be recognized and paid more.


Use “Return of a Rhino” and “Harmless Horned Heavy Hitler” to answer the following question.

2. Based on the information provided in both selections, the reader can conclude that poachers are - 

a. Wanting to cure diseases

b. Carefully choosing which rhinos to kill

c. Not concerned with the future of the rhinos

d. Killing rhinos everyday in Borneo

c. Not concerned with the future of the rhinos


Investigating the Sneeze (1) It has happened to everyone. (2) You begin to feel a strange, itchy sensation in your nose, and before you know it... aaaa-CHOO! (3) You have sneezed. (4) Sneezing is an interesting process.

Which sentence should replace sentence 4 to help create a more effective central idea in the introduction for this paper?

Everyone has experienced the experience of sneezing, and there is so much that we can study and learn about this normal and common human activity. 

Although sneezing is an everyday human occurrence, it’s also a remarkable function of the human body, and studies have revealed some rather interesting facts about it. 

In this paper, I would like to talk about sneezing, what it is, why it happens, how common it is, and what some of the strangest facts about it can be. 

The strange, itchy sensation is over as the sneeze is released from your body, but the cause and purpose of the activity is an amazing kind of thing.

B Although sneezing is an everyday human occurrence, it’s also a remarkable function of the human body, and studies have revealed some rather interesting facts about it.


(35) And I discovered something else that morning, too. (36) I learned that cooking takes more patience and attention to detail then I had ever dreamed!  

What change needs to be made in sentence 36? 

Change that to this

Change takes to take

Insert a comma after patience 

Change then to than

Change then to than


Use a "A Winning Day" to answer the following question.

In this story, the theme that the author emphasizes — 

F making wise decisions 

G being generous 

H becoming popular 

J developing strong friendships 

G being generous


Use "Are Athletes Overpaid?" to answer questions 1-4.

4. Read the sentence from  paragraph 6.

They inspire and entertain us, and they work hard.

How does the author show that this argument is untrue?

A. Compare that with the average income for a family: $54,000. (paragraph 4)

B. And that is a problem. (paragraph 2)

C. But there are plenty of people who have difficult and dangerous jobs, and no one is handing them exorbitant sums of money. (paragraph 6)

D. Of course, not all professional athletes make as much as LeBron, (paragraph 4)

E. but the average salaries for professional football, baseball, basketball, and hockey players all tend to be in the $2 million to $5 million a year range. (paragraph 4)

C. But there are plenty of people who have difficult and dangerous jobs, and no one is handing them exorbitant sums of money. (paragraph 6)


Use “Return of a Rhino” and “Harmless Horned Heavy Hitler” to answer the following question.

3. One difference between Harmless Horned Heavy Hitter and Return of the Rhino is that only the poem-

a. The speaker is explaining about poachers. 

b. the speaker expresses the way their situation makes them feel. 

c. the speaker pays no attention to their threat.

d. the speaker is content with their situation. 

b. the speaker expresses the way their situation makes them feel.


(5) The ordinary sneeze usually begins with a tickle in the nose. (6) Nerve endings pick up the message and send it to a “sneeze center” in the brain. (7) The chest tightens. (8) Air pressure in the lungs increases. (9) The eyes close, and the tongue presses against the roof of the mouth. (10) Suddenly, air shoots out of the nose with a powerful force. (11) “Achoo!” the person says. (12) Some sources claim that the common sneeze may travel at a speed of 100 miles per hour. (13) And once a sneeze is underway, everyone knows that it’s almost impossible to stop.

Quincy would like to add the following detail to the second paragraph (sentences 5–13). 

The sneeze center then takes charge and sends the message to the many muscles that work together to produce a sneeze. 

Where should this sentence be inserted? 

After sentence 6

After sentence 7 

After sentence 9 

After sentence 12

F After sentence 6


(32) Sometimes it really is the thought that counts. (33) Mom’s birthday present didn’t turn out as we had planned but she knew that we loved her.

What change, if any, should be made in sentence 33? 

A Insert a comma after planned

B Delete but 

C Change she knew to they knew 

D No change should be made in sentence 33.

A Insert a comma after planned