Belief Systems
It's All Greek to me
Early Civilizations
All what lead where?
What is roads lead to Rome. Roads were an important component of Rome's success because it gave access to trade.
Name two belief systems with no Gods?
Who is Confusius and Buddhism.
What are the four Early Civilizations, and what rivers were they near?
What is Egypt, Greece, Mesopotamia, and China. Egypt: Nile China: Yellow River (Huang He) Mesopotamia: Tigris and Euphrates
What is an archaeologist?
What is someone who studies the ancient and recent human past through material remains (artifacts)
What were the laws the United States is partially based on?
What is the 12 Tables of Rome. What were the other two civilizations that had laws which we base our laws on today? Hammurabi's code (an eye for an eye) Justinian's Code
Which two belief systems believe in reincarnation?
What is Hinduism and Buddhism.
What contributions did Greece give us?
What is the Olympics, arches, philosophies, etc.
Where did Ancient civilizations usually begin?
What is in river valleys. The rivers would flood, then recede and leave rich soil to grow crops in.
What is the difference between an archaeologist and an anthropologist?
What is an anthropologist is the study of humans, past and present is the study of the ancient and recent human past through material remains
When the Roman Empire split in two what was the other half called?
What is the Byzantine Empire
Which belief systems have only one God, the same God?
What is Islam, Christianity, Judaism
What did Sparta place important on?
What is fighting. This allowed women to work and be more respected than in other places around the world at that time.
What did Leakey's discover?
What is early humans lived in Eastern Africa
What is the difference between a topographic map and a political map?
What is A topographic map shows heights of mountains and a political map shows states/ countrys/capitals. see youtube
What were some of the things the Byzantine Empire was known for?
What is cyrillic alphabet, Hagia Sophia, Orthodox Church
What is the highest level of Buddhism and Hinduism?
What is when the soul is released as in nirvana in Buddhism and moksha in Hinduism. Hindus believe in many Gods which means they are polytheistic
What is Hellenistic culture?
What is the spreading of the Greek culture around the world. Whoever Alexander the great conquer, he left his mark on (i.e. buildings, etc.)
What was result of settling down and gathering food?
What is larger populations
What are some of the main reasons why Rome fell?
What is poor economy (inflation), hired mercenaries, little gold and silver
Greece is a string of islands--what is a string of irelands called?
What is an archipelago. What other geographic feature isolated one Greek city/state from another? mountains
Which civilization had the Hammurabi's code?
What is Mesopotamia
What does geo mean?
What is earth so a geographer maps the earth patterns. There are two main branches of geography: human geography and physical geography. Human geography is concerned with the spatial aspects of human existence. Physical geographers study patterns of climates, landforms, vegetation, soils, and water.