Shakespeare's, A Midsummer Night's Dream

Is the following punctuation of the sentence below correct? 

If not, correct it on your whiteboard with the correct punctuation.

Julian claims she is "having digestion issues"; so she wants to go to the doctor.

Julian claims she is "having digestion issues," so she wants to go to the doctor. 


Use there, their, and they're in their own sentences.

Teacher discretion. 


Another need is autonomy, says Madigan — giving people choices. Zamzee, for example, lets users choose how to earn points: they can walk the dog, run in place, or another activity — whatever sounds the most fun.

Based on context, what does autonomy mean?

M. exercise P. motivation R. information S. independence

S. independence


What did Puck tell the audience to think of the whole story as in the end?

a dream.


What is a simile?

It is a comparison using like or as. 


When do you use a semicolon?

To separate two independent clauses that are closely related or to separate items in a series.

If you are not sure if you can use a semicolon, try replacing it with a period (.). If it is a complete thought and can stand on its own, then you can use a semicolon as long as the two complete thoughts (independent clauses) are closely related with one another. 


Fill in the blanks with it's or its.
...... too quiet outside: ...... almost as if the road and all ...... traffic have disappeared.

it's, it's, its


Stores can learn even more by pooling the check-in data from millions of people and looking for patterns. For example, they might find out that Foursquare users who often check in at art museums also like to shop at fancy clothing stores. Now art lovers who launch the app might be greeted with an ad from an upscale clothing chain.

What does "pooling" mean in context?

A. recalling B. collecting C. exaggerating D. forgetting

B. collecting


What law prohibited Lysander and Hermia from being together?

Athenian Law


How do you properly write a play title?

What about songs?

They should be either underlined or in italics with proper capitalization. 

Songs should be in quotation marks with proper capitalization.


Is the sentence correct? 

Yes or No?

Dreams are not real, they are images your mind creates as you sleep.

If not, correct the sentence. 

Dreams are not real; they are images your mind creates as you sleep.


...... he hadn't considered applying in the past, a job at the stadium now seemed very enticing.

A. However

B. Despite

C. Although

D. Moreover

C. Although


Which change, if any, is needed to the italicized text?

His substitute goalie, an overturned garbage can, mocked him like a real-life opponent.

A. goalie mocked him like a real-life opponent, an overturned garbage can 

B. goalie mocked him, an overturned garbage can, like a real-life opponent

C. goalie mocked him like an overturned garbage can, a real-life opponent 

D. No change

D. No change


Why did Hermia and Lysander stop in the woods to rest (before the spell was ever put on Lysander)?

To rest because they were lost, and it was night time. Lysander asked Hermia to wait until daylight to continue traveling. 


In an introduction paragraph, what comes first? Second? Third?

Hook, overview, claim/thesis (this is where you list your reasoning)


- Jimmy's schoolwork, while messy and untidy, was always completed to a high standard, though he always forgot how to use commas in his essays.

The italicized part of the sentence is set between commas. What is this phrase called?

Hint: the sentence would still work without the phrase. Jimmy's schoolwork was always completed to a high standard, though he always forgot how to use commas in his essays. 


What is it called when the words between the commas interrupt the flow of your sentence? Ex. She is, in fact, going to school to become a doctor.

appositive phrase


Interrupters (can also be known as an aside and can be seen in parenthesis as well).


My brother, together with his friends, always ..... round collecting wood for bonfire night.

A. go

B. goes

C. going

D. gone

B. goes


How do you cite an article?

How do you cite a book?

How do you cite a play?

(author para. #)

(author page #)

(act, scene, line #)


Who is Philostrate? What does he do at the end of the play?

He is Theseus's right hand man. At the end of the play, he informs Theseus of the different productions he can watch, and when Theseus asks for Pyramus and Thisbe, he tells him to pick another because he had watched it earlier. It was hilariously dreadful. 


What tells the actors how to move or speak in a play?

Stage directions.


Formulate your own sentence using a transition word and a semi colon.

My discretion. 


Identify the italicized portions that need to be changed in order for the following sentences to be correct. What do they need to be changed to?

The tour of the palace included a visit to the old kitchen, where they were baking bread and the huge underground wine cellar which was containing thousands of bottles and felt like a prison. 

None of the children wants to be in the group that has to stay inside because everyone prefer to go outside and play




1. What is the text structure where events are in the order in which they happen?

2. Tells an event/story with characters, setting, conflict, point of view, and plot.

1. Sequential/Chronological order

2. Narration


Who was Helena's father?

Whose daughter did they constantly refer to her as?


Nedar's daughter

Extra info: Nedar derives from Hebrew which means "was missing."


What is a noun, pronoun, adjective, verb, and conjunction?

Noun- person, place, thing

Pronoun- a word that substitutes a noun's place

(i.e. he, she, it)

adjective- a word that describes a noun or pronoun. (i.e. pretty, smart, intelligent, ugly)


action: words to give motion to a noun or pronoun

(i.e. running, jumping, swimming)

linking: words used to link the sentence together (i.e. is, are)

Conjunctions: coordinating and subordinating 

Coordinating conjunctions- FANBOYS

Subordinating conjunctions- because, after, since