Future Tense
Present Tense
Past Tense
Main Idea

What do you need to add to the verb to write it in future tense?

What is will.


Use the verb want.

Ms. Warren [want] ice cream for her birthday.

What is "Ms. Warren wants ice cream for her birthday".


Yesterday, last year, and last week are all examples of words that tell the author to use the verb in _____ tense. 

What is "past".


What is the name of the first sentence that informs the reader about the topic. 

What is a topic sentence. 


Identify the vocabulary word. 

Special purposes for which things are used.

Example: A crocodile's scales have two ____: to protect its body from injuries and to keep its skin moist.

What is function(s).


Use the verb eat. 

Ms. Cooper [eat] sushi tomorrow for lunch.

What is "Ms. Cooper will eat sushi tomorrow at lunch.

Say the verbs in present tense singular and plural.

Caitlyn [stop] running when she [see] her friends. 

The girls [stop] running when they [see] their friends.

What is:

Caitlyn stops running when she sees her friends.

The girls stop running when they see their friends. 


Use the verb want to write this sentence in past tense.

Mrs. Hight [want] her students to have the most AR points in the school last year. 

What is "Mrs. Hight wanted her students to have the most AR points in the school last year."


What is one way to identify the main idea in a passage?

What is identifying key details and important events.


Identify the vocabulary word. 

Grouped with other things that share similar qualities.

Example: Animals with wings are _____ as birds.

What is classified.


Use the verb stop.

When the class is talking over the directions, Mrs. Shupe [stop].

What is "when the class is talking over the directions, Mrs. Shupe will stop."


What should you add to the end of a verb when it is written is plural present tense?

What is nothing!
Most past tense verbs end with what letters?

What is -ed.


What is the main idea of the passage "Animal Coverings"?

What is the fur and skin coverings of various animals. 


Identify the vocabulary word.

A special purpose or job a person or object has.

Example: My ___ as your teacher is to help you learn.

What is role. 


Use the verb join.

Next year, I [join] the golf team. 

What is "next year, I will join the golf team".


Use the verb cry.

Sammy [cry] when her ice cream falls on the floor.

What is "Sammy cries when her ice cream falls on the floor".

Use the verb study.

Last night, the students [study] for their math test. 

What is "last night, the students studied for their math test. 


Which sentence explains how strong the jaw is on a trap-jaw ant.

The  trap-jaw  ant  gets  its  name  from  its  powerful  jaws.  These  jaws  snap  shut  on  their  next  meal,  such  as  a  termite.  But  these  jaws  are  so  strong  they  can  also  help  the  ant  jump.  Whenever  the  trap-jaw  ant  finds  itself  in  danger,  it  plants  its  jaws  onto  something  hard,  like  the  ground.  Then  it  pushes  itself  up,  leaping  out  of  harm’s  way.

What is "But  these  jaws  are  so  strong  they  can  also  help  the  ant  jump".


Identify the vocabulary word. 

Several different kinds of something.

Example: There are ____ types of clothes that you can wear.

What is various. 


Use the verb improve.

Forest Elementary [improve] their reading scores. 

What is "Forest Elementary will improve their reading scores".


When writing a word in singular present tense, what should you add to the end of the word? 

Two possible answers. 

What is -s and -es.


For verbs that end with a consonant and the letter y, what do you have to do before you add the ed?

Give an example.

What is change the y to i.

Examples may vary. 


What is the main idea of this paragraph?

Before  the  Iroquois  planted  gardens,  they  lived  by  hunting  and  gathering.  They  hunted  animals  and  gathered  fruits  or  vegetables  they  found.  As  the  seasons  changed,  they  had  to  move  from  place  to  place  to  gather  fresh  produce.  But  when  they  began  to  plant  crops,  they  could  stay  in  one  place.  Women  stayed  in  villages  and  planted  the  crops  while  men  hunted.  Life  changed  for  these  Native  Americans.

What is how the Iroquois gathered food before planting gardens. 


Identify the vocabulary word.

A quality that makes a person, animal, thing, or group different from others.

Example: Having hair on your head is a _____. 

What is characteristic.