Where does ABQ/TUS rank in the Network for Week 45?
Which 2 Sites in ABQ/TUS are top 50 in labor planning?
TUS5 and LBB5 - Awesome job!
What does YIR stand for?
What is Yard Incident Rate
What weight does Finance category hold in the BM Scorecard?
What does TOMY/DTT track?
Combined Drive Time/DQF TA, TOMY Rejections, and DQF Field Side Dwell (which considers both Application Timeline and Drug Test Timeline).
How much does Site metrics account for your individual evaluation?
Labor Planning Input tracks which 2 metrics
"Hostler Move Time" and "Hostler Idle Time"
What does TRIR stand for?
Total Recordable Injury Rate (TRIR)
What 3 Metrics are tracked for the Finance Category?
TPH - Percent to Plan - OT+3p% to LP
What does combined drive time mean?
The Combined Drive Time by DQF TA metric is the total number of [TOMY Hours + Shuttle Hours] divided the by Active DQF TAs (DQF Hours Worked/40) by node.
Can you tell me your sites Network ranking for WK45?
ELP1-4 ABQ5-65 TUS5-101 KRB9-137 ABQ1-152 LBB5-257 AMA1-273 TUS2-327
What is Hostler Idle Time?
The Hostler Idle Time metric is defined as the as the average time from when a hostler driver completes a move in the Valet app until the hostler driver starts a move in the Valet app.
The does SDSR OTR mean?
Smart Drive Severity Rate Over The Road
What does TPH stand for?
The Transactions Per Hour (TPH) metric measures the number of transactions performed in a TOM yard per labor hour spent in the TOM cost centers.
What is considered a TOMY Rejection in the BM?
The TOMY Rejections metric looks at the number of *Carrier Controllable* loads rejected less than 6hrs from departure at a nodal level.
Which metric category holds the most weight? Percentage
Safety - 20%
How much weight does this metric hold? Percentage
What weight does Safety have on Site BM Score?
What does 3P+OT% to LP Mean?
3P and Overtime To Plan % measures the difference in percents of labor planned 3P + OT recommended hours when compared to actual 3P + OT hours.
What is DQF Field Side Dwell?
The DQF Field Side Dwell Benchmarking Metrics will look at the total average of completion for the Drug Test Timeline and Application Metrics.
How many metric categories are used in the weekly scorecard?
8:Finance-Gate Quality-HR Metrics-
Labor Planning Inputs-Mechanical-Safety
TOMY-Yard Health
Are Offsite Moves counted in this metric?
Exclusion logic: BM excludes data points in the same logic as Labor Planning. In yard moves over 60 minutes and moves under 1 minute are excluded from site averages. The metric excludes 3P moves and offsite moves (is inclusive of onsite moves only).
Safety Metric category includes what 4 metrics?
Yard Incident Rate (YIR), Total Recordable Injury Rate (TRIR), Smart Drive Severity Rate (SDSR) In Yard, and SDSR OTR (Over the Road).
What does % to LP mean?
In short it means: Total paid hours vs planned paid hours.
There is a formula, Metric formula:
· (TA & 3P Paid Hours / LP Paid Hours Net 3P Security)
· Numerator - TA & 3P Paid Hours
· Denominator - LP Paid Hours Net 3P Security Hours
How much weight does TOMY/DTT hold in the BM Scorecard?