Character Description
Who said this quote?
Key scenes/plot points

Who is the captain of the San Dominick?

Benito Cereno


Who said, "I should like to have a man like this myself—What will you take for him?"

Captain Delano


What is happening in this scene- You are saved, Don Benito, you are saved!

Delano’s mistakenly believes that he has successfully rescued Cereno and the crew


Who is the captain of the San Dominick who eventually reveals the truth about the ship’s situation to Captain Delano?

Benito Cereno


Who said "The past is gone, why moralize upon it? Forget it."

Captain Cereno


What is happening in this scene- "We are all in great danger. The slaves are in revolt." 

The situation on the saint dominick when Babo and the "slaves" revolt 


Who is the tall, silent slave who used to be a king and is often in chains on the San Dominick?



"The truth is, I am nothing but a poor man"

Don Alexandro Aranda


What is the significance of this quote "He (Babo) is a good fellow, and I like him very much."

This quote highlights Delano's misjudgment of Babo, which is a crucial element in the plot as it reflects Delano’s misunderstanding of the true nature of the situation on the San Dominick.


Who is the leader of the enslaved people and stages the rebellion?



"I am not a man to be easily deceived by the appearance of things." 

Captain Delano


What is the significance of this quote? "I have not been very well, and I am only half awake"

This quote is significant because it reflects Cereno’s weakened state and the underlying tension about his true condition and the situation aboard the ship


Who is the Spanish nobleman whose death plays a crucial role in the hidden story of the San Dominick?

Don Alexandro Aranda 


"I am a slave. I am a prisoner. I have a right to complain."



What is the significance of this quote- "I am a poor man, but I can offer you my help."

(Hint captain Cereno says it)

this quote shows Cereno's desperation and his attempt to conceal the true extent of the crisis on San Dominick play key roles in the plot unfolding.