what was the first satellite ever launched into orbit around the earth
the answer is Sputnik and it was launched into orbit by the Russians.
how much money do minimum wage employees make each certain time period (hour, half-hour, etc)
as of 2019 the minimum wage is $15 per time period. (this is very likely to change)
what language is the hardest one to learn
hardest to learn is english
what galaxy do we live in
the Milky Way galaxy
how much money does the presidential election cost
6.5 billion dollars
what is the most commonly used language in the world
most common is spanish
what is the closest neighboring galaxy to the Milky Way galaxy
the Andromeda galaxy
how much money does it cost to purchase a private jet
ranges from 3 million to 90 million dollars per jet or flight
what does it mean to be bilingual
a person who is bilingual can speak 2+ languages fluently
whats the name of the first person launched into space
Yuri Gagarin
how much money does the president make each year
$44,564 a year
what language is spoken in the most countries
most countries speak spanish
what galaxy is getting closer and will collide with the milky way galaxy in about a couple billion years or so
the andromeda galaxy
how much money does the richest person in the world have
82.9 billion dollars as of 2019
what was the most commonly used language from 1000 ad - 1750's ad
Latin was the language used the most for at least 750 years