
Name one of the special skills at the bottom of my acting resume.

Hint: Think of things I am proficient at other than acting. There are 4 possible answers.




Flying (light aircraft)


I have traveled to the locations where [insert musical here] was filmed.

The Sound of Music (On the Europe trip in 2018.)

Bonus fun fact - Did you know the house in that movie was actually 3 different houses stitched together in the editing room?!)


Where do I go to uni?

The University of Sydney (USyd)


What was my catchphrase for far too long?


Because I'm Batman!


What was my first paid acting gig?

A Midsummer Night's Dream (Dec 2022).

Bonus fun fact - i got the role because the director came to see my final acting showcase at drama school and offered me the role because his previous actor had just dropped out!


What theatre show was my first leading role?

I played Jack Decapitated in Titanic: The Diamond of Dreams for Richmond Players in November of 2023.


What is the name of my favourite Marvel movie?

(Your response can be either be the full title of the movie just [character] [number] e.g. Captain Marvel 2)

Hint: Its not Captain Marvel 2...

Captain America The Winter Soldier (Number 2)

Bonus fun fact - I showed up to my Year 10 formal photos on a motorcycle with my Captain America Shield


What do I study at uni?

Education (Bachelor of Education - Secondary)

What ATAR did you have to get to have your photo and name hung on the wall in the senior library?


Bonus fun fact - I got 90.30! I only needed 80 for teaching, but I wanted to get on that wall!


What are my two main jobs?

Motiv8 Coach and Drama Teaching Assistant


Name the character, song and title of my first solo song performance on stage.

(100 points each)

Roger (Character), Mooning (Song), Grease (Title)


One of my acting teachers has worked on which famous Australian soap opera?

Home and Away (Polly was teachers name)


What two subjects do I specialise in?

Drama (Theatre and Performance) and French


What school sports team did I play on? (Only for a season)

Hint: If you don't know, just name a sport you think I like!

The cricket team!

Bonus fun fact - I opened the batting once, kept missing the ball, got a run or two, but when I finally hit the ball, it went straight to a fielder :(


The first time I was paid to do a job was with my aunt. I helped kids in some form of art classes. What form of art was it?


It was quite fun to sit with 4 year olds trying to paint a dog my aunt had modelled for them...


Where did I go to train as an actor?

Hint: initials STS

Sydney Theatre School (I graduated with a Diploma in Theatre and Screen acting in November of 2022)


Which TV character do I look most alike?

Hint: I dressed up as him for my 18th birthday

Jon Snow (Kit Harrington)


In which year did I study the least amount of subjects at uni? (2022-2024) 

Hint: 2024 means all of 2024, not just this sem.

Answer - 2022 (3 units per sem because I was also studying acting at the time)

Then 2024 (4 units per sem)

Then 2023 (5 units per sem to make up for acting degree)


Name the subjects I did in my HSC

English Advanced, Maths Advanced, Maths Ext, Modern History, Drama, French Beginners


Where was my first ever camp as a Motiv8 Coach?

Hint: It was somewhere I had been before...

My own highschool! (Arndell Anglican College)


What is the name of the company where I am currently a part of the Youth Advisory Board?

Hint: initials ATYP

Australian Theatre for Young People

(It means I get to review shows for free and get a park of 3 scripts each month to read, assess, and suggest the ones I think should be produced there. Hopefully, I might even act in one of them one day...)


Who is my favourite actor?

Hint: He played a large roll in Marvel, but he was not my favourite character. (Just the first name will do... maybe...)

Tom Hiddleston. He played Loki but he has done a whole lot more. He's also just an incredible guy!

Where do I stay during the week to get to uni?

My Nana's house in Quakers Hill (but I get on at Schofields station!)


What was the name of the muscial I did in year 7? And what was my role?

The Little Shop of Horrors (Ensemble)


What is the name of my workplace in Penrith?

The Joan Sutherland Performance Arts Centre (I am part of the Studio Q Team that teaches acting to kids 5-18 and adults with disabilities)