Where did I go to High School?
What is Father Ryan or Daddy Ryan?
Who is my favorite Artist?
What is Adele
What do my siblings and I have in common with our career choices?
What is the performing arts or What is the Arts.
What is Ben's Type?
What is my first roommates name (the one in Brown)?
Who is Cullen.
What was the name of middle school that I went to?
Christ the King
What was my first instrument?
What is Clarinet
True or False: My grandmother was one of 15 children?
What is true
Have I kissed a girl?
What is Yes
What is my least favorite couple in the music building currently?
Who is Matthew and Sydney
Have I ever been to public school or just Catholic School and if so when?
What is Yes and Kindergarten
What is the name of the college that I sung with in middle school. *Hint SEC school*
What is Vandy
Where does my dad work?
Nashville Shores
What is starting their name with a vowel.
Do i have family from East TN?
What is Yes. (Signal Mountain/Chattanooga area)
Did I like my band director in High School
What is no
Did I do show choir?
How many dogs have I had before?
What is 2
What was my first gay movie? (Not corn)
Love, Simon
What was my top choice for College my senior year?
What is MTSU
How many times did we go to Mass in high school?
What is once a month
What famous pop musical artist did I meet at the Symphony?
Who is Roger Waters?
What is my family known for in Middle TN?
What is working with the homeless and caring for those who don't have a lot.
Who is my first celebrity crush? *Hint He is on the Rookie*
Nathan Fillion
What did I want to be when i grew up?
What is an author