Our Relationship
Movies and TV
Decades of Fashion

What animal pairing do we constantly compare ourselves to? 

What is orange cat and white cat?

How old was I when I got my first American Girl Doll, which one did I get, and what location did I get her from? 

What is 6, Samantha, and New York?


The first real horror movie I ever watched was?

What is Scream?

The reign of dinosaurs is categorized into three periods known by what names? 

What is the Triassic period, the Jurassic period, and the Cretaceous period? 


What decade in the 20th century is known for full skirts, small waists, overly feminine detailing, matching pastel colors, and *gasp* stiletto heels?

What is the 1950s?


What is my favorite thing to do together as a couple? 

What is smoke weed and watch horror movies? (I will give it to you if you said going on a drive)


What was my longest lasting special interest (that has an end date), spanning over 10 years of my life and how old was I when it started? 

What is Marvel/the Avengers, and I was 9 years old? 


Stranger Things was created by what twin directing duo? 

What is Matt and Ross Duffer? 


What English breed known for its lively and stubborn personality, is suspicious of strangers but affectionate with their owner and bred to kill rats? 

What is a Yorkshire Terrier?


What decade in the 20th century is known for drop-waisted dresses, boxy silhouettes, cloche hats, rouged knees, and long strings of pearls?

What is the 1920s?


What apple orchard off of the Blue Ridge Parkway did we go to for our anniversary last year? 

What is the Orchard at Altapass? 

What are all my siblings: names, ages, and birth order? (extra boyfriend credit rewarded for partner and kids names)

What is Tommy (41), Colin (40), Caitlyn (38)? 

(extra credit answer: Melissa (Maddie, Lucas, Owen), Farrah (Carleigh), Alex) 


What is the Ice King's real name?

What is Simon Petrikov?


What US security agency banned Furbies from their headquarters for "national security" purposes? 

What is the NSA? 


What decade in the 18th century was known for its tight supportive stays, several layers of petticoats, large straw hats, and red "riding" hoods?

What is the 1770s?


The first time we saw each other after middle school was in what store?

What is Firestorm?


What are my top five favorite movies?

What is Ponyo, Singin in the Rain, The Grand Budapest Hotel, When Harry Met Sally, and Scream?


How many variations are there of the Psych theme song?

What is 12 (some overlap or are played multiple times)?


What Elizabethan breed known for its "tranquil" and affectionate personality with a clear and pleasing voice was bred in the 1700s for hunting hare and catching fish? 

What is a beagle?


What decade in the 20th century is known for pastel frilly dresses, lacy and lavish undergarments, pigeon-breasted blouses, large hats, and S bend corsets. 

What is the 1900s?

What is my favorite memory of our relationship? 

What is Colonial Williamsburg?


What instruments have I played and received lessons for?

What is Piano, Harpsichord, Violin, Flute, Recorder, Ukelele, and Drums?


What main character in what horror movie does not speak until 30 minutes into the run time?

What is Angela in Sleepaway Camp? 


The term dinosaur was coined by British paleontologist Richard Owen in 1840 from what language and what does it translate to? 

What is Greek and terrible lizard? 


What decade in the 19th century is known for massive leg of mutton sleeves, "short" hemlines, lots of lace, and doll-like hair and features?

What is the 1830s?