The order of the colors of the rainbow.
What is Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo, Violet?
Everything in nature can be in one of 3 phases.
What are solid, liquid and gas?
An educated guess about what will happen.
What is a hypothesis?
A tool used to tell us the time by the sun's shadow.
What is a sundial?
Animal that hunts.
What is a predator?
Light hits something and "bounces" off it, changing direction and going in a straight line somewhere else.
What is reflection?
Water slowly changes from a liquid to a gas.
What is evaporation?
When rocks break down by things that happen in nature.
What is weathering?
This happens to the earth to turn the night into day and makes it look like the sun is traveling across the sky.
What is rotation?
The act of grouping things together based on their similarities.
What is classification?
The light got "sucked up."
What is absorption?
Turning from a liquid into a solid.
What is freezing?
A snow pack that gets so heavy it starts flowing down the mountain.
What is a glacier?
They separate the day from the night, They tell the seasons, days and years, and they give light to the earth. (3 things)
What are the sun, moon and stars?
An animal with an internal skeleton that contains a backbone.
What is a vertebrate?
Cannot be created or destroyed. It can only be converted from one form to another.
What is energy?
If an object is heavier than the same volume of water.
What is sinking?
The opposite of what we expect, based on what we know.
What is counter-intuitive?
Artificial light that interferes with ability to view objects in the night sky.
What is light pollution?
Being pushed along by forcing a stream of air or a fluid in the opposite direction.
What is jet propulsion?
When light can pass through an object.
What is transparent?
To mix a solute with a solvent so that it seems the solute disappears.
What is dissolve?
The leaf takes the energy from the absorbed light and uses it to feed the plant.
What is photosynthesis?
A trick your mind plays because of something it sees.
What is an optical illusion?
The tendency of a solvent to flow across a semi-permeable membrane to where there is more solute.
What is osmosis?