Where is Verča from ?
Náměšť na Hané
What city is famous for The Beatles and Titanic ?
What nations does the famous tv series Squid game come from ?
South Korea
Where does my grandfather and my family come from ?
How is this tense called ?
I have never been to Paris
Present Perfect
How many people have already left this class ?
Which city has the Tallest building in the world ?
How many seasons does the tv show Friends have ?
What is the sport I do called ?
Professional Wrestling
Can, Could, Should, May, Might and etc.... are called ?
Modal Verbs
Where in Štenberk does Kačka work ?
Mount Everest is located in which countries ?
Nepal, Tibet(autonomy part of China)
Which of these famous tv series is based on a comic book
A) Game of Thrones
B The Walking Dead
C) House M.D
How old am I ?
Look after , Take up, Calm down are called ?
Phrasal verbs
What is the name of the teacher before me ? Whole name!!!!
František Jonáš Soukup
Which city has the largest metropolitan area ?
New York
What was the name of the main character in the tv show Baby Reindeer ?
Donny Dunn
What breed of a dog do my parents have ?
Maltese dog
How do you call a group of birds and fish ?
Who has the biggest attendance in this class ?
Which country is known for having 3 capital cities
South African Republic
How many group members does the original group of friends in Stranger Things has ?
What is the name of my GF and where is she from ?
Veronika , Zlín
How do you call a baby of a pig ?