What is my favorite gun?
Which Zombies map is my favorite?
What is the full name of my current college major?
English: Creative Writing
What was the first thing I ever DM'd Alejandra?
What day did Karubo and I first DM?
October 19th (20th), 2020
How long have I had my blanket?
Over 18 years (my whole life)
Who was my first crush and from which game do they originate?
Misty from CoD: Zombies
What is the name of the high school I attended?
Simsbury High School
When did Alejandra and I met (month/day/year)?
August 24th, 2020
What game did Karubo try to buy me when we first became friends?
What is my middle name?
What is the name of the fake country I created in 8th grade?
New Canaan (Gaeia Niki)
What is the name of the college I attend currently?
Providence College
How did I learn Alejandra's address?
She sent an image of it by accident into the "no-mic" chat on TT.
For what reason did Karubo DM me for the first time?
What color are the panties that I own?
Which fandom was my first fanfiction about?
Percy Jackson
How many years have I been learning Spanish?
About 7 years
What was the first gift I ever gave Alejandra?
A drawing of Kaede Akamatsu
When we first talked, Karubo said that everyone in his class bullied him. What was the first reason he gave for being bullied?
He can't play soccer.
What is my favorite plane?
Boeing 757-300
Which character was the first one I ever traced? (Hint: They're from SDR2)
Ibuki Mioda
What is the full name of the place that I work?
What was the first thing I ever said to Alejandra out loud?
"Voice reveal, voice reveal."
What is my first name?