True or False
Anything that we have covered so far

Alex says if he flips a coin 6 times he will always get 3 heads and 3 tails.Say why he is correct or why he is wrong.

Alex is wrong because flipping a coin is random, and each flip has an equal chance of landing heads or tails. While it's possible to get 3 heads and 3 tails in 6 flips, there's no guarantee—it could be any combination of heads and tails.


Elsa says it's 12:30 in NY (New York); she asks Anna what time it is in Brazil. Anna says she is an hour and 30 minutes ahead of her. Anna says it's 2 o'clock in Brazil.

True or False 

True, it is 2 o'clock.


Describe the order of operations. In one sentence.

The order of operations tells us the sequence in which we solve math problems. We start with parentheses, then exponents, followed by multiplication and division (whichever comes first), and finally addition and subtraction (whichever comes first).

But its still up to Sir Ilyan to check if its correct


If Sophia had a bag filled with two red marbles, three black marbles, one blue marble, and 10 white marbles, she would put her hand inside without looking and pick one. Which color of marble is she most likely to choose? And what is the total number of marbles?

Sophia is most likely to choose a white marble, with a probability of 5/8.

The total number of marbles Sophia has is:

2 red+3 black+1 blue+10 white=16 marbles


Sabrina and Mateo flip a coin 5 times each.After their experiment they both agree you could get different answers each but the one you can most likely get is 3 heads and 2 tails.

Are they correct?

When you flip a coin 5 times, there are 32 possible outcomes. To get 3 heads and 2 tails, there are 10 ways.

So, the probability of getting 3 heads and 2 tails is 10/32, which simplifies to 5/16.

Now, if this probability is higher than any other combination of heads and tails, then Sabrina and Mateo are correct.


 Answer 4×(5+3)−2 in simplified form.

4×(5+3)−2 is 30.


Explain how probability works with at least two sentences.

Probability tells us how likely it is for something to happen, with 0 meaning it won't happen and 1 meaning it definitely will. We use it to understand and predict outcomes based on their chances of occurring.


1/4 written as a present is 30% true or false?

1/4 written as a percentage is 25%, not 30%.


Explain why we need PEMDAS. In one or two sentences.

PEMDAS is important because it gives us a clear order to solve math problems. It prevents confusion by showing us which operations to do first, making sure everyone gets the same answer. This way, math becomes more organized and reliable.


Is probability important? Explain in your own words.

Probability is crucial because it helps us figure out how likely things are to happen. It's like a guide that helps us make smarter choices by showing us the chances of different outcomes.


PEMDAS is the reason why life is easier true or false.

Explain why.

PEMDAS helps with organizing mathematical expressions, but it doesn't directly impact the ease of life. It simplifies math problems by providing a clear order of operations, ensuring consistency in calculations. However, it doesn't necessarily make life easier in all aspects.


Anna's favorite movies are both long, but she wants the shortest movie, so calculate for both.

Movie A is two hours, 25 minutes, and 152 seconds.

Movie C is 6 hours

Movie A is about 2.46 hours long, while Movie C is 6 hours long.