When is your birthday?
Today. You wouldn't kill someone on their birthday right?
If every fighter subclass fought to the death who would win?
The Champion
Where is the best place to eat on this side of Eclidah?
Fantasy Chili's.
More than 70% of the world's surface is covered in this?
This is the protagonist of a movie about a boy who creates and sells pots while living with his abusive aunt and uncle.
Harry Potter
Could I borrow $5?
Thanks man, I'll pay you back next week.
Whenever A is true B is always true. If A is false, what do we know about B?
This term heard around the table is the universal sign that you are about to make a terrible decision.
Are you sure?
How big is space?
Pretty big.
A father gives his son a gold piece and his second son a copper. What time is it?
IDK whatever time it is in your relative timezone/city state.
Free loss. :)
Free loss. :)
How much was 100 gold worth in 1812?
100 gold
This tabletop roleplaying game has players aact out fantasy characters and roll dice.
True or False: The fastest way to get to Undermountain from Holvanzurr is travelling through Achepontus.
False: The fastest way is by teleporting.
Within 10 decimal points, what is the solar luminosities is the sun?
What is the correct answer for Quantum Physics and Relativity for 200?
Whatever the correct time was.
What is the number between 1 and 10 that is never picked?
Uh uh! YOU just picked that number.
This role at the table is the player responsible for narrating the game, running the NPCs, and arbitrating the rules and not just what you might call your date (unless....)?
The Dungeon Master.
After finishing this session of DND with his friends, where does Austin go after that?
The answer should be Youtube to upload the vod immediately but we all know that doesn't happen!
So like... idk... no where?
Roll me a d20.
1-10: Success
11-20: Failure
If the capital building in was as tall as your credit card number, including the security code and expiration date, how tall would it be?
I'm sorry, I needed the numbers.
How big is the room?
Don't care, I cast Fireball.
This part of the land is located south of Canada.
What is Austin's favorite thing in the world?
It's still Kayla. Pizza is still also up there.