Every shift or when soiled.
How frequently do you change the female Purewick?
Proper Hand washing and hygiene.
What is the most important first step in preventing infection?
What is one thing that helps to prevent Hospital Accquired Pneumonia?
Name the best way to prevent delirium in the hospital.
What is promote normal sleep at night?
Handwashing, or antiseptic hand sanitizer.
What are the two methods of hand hygiene used on the floors?
Every 24 hours, or when soiled.
How frequently do you change the Male Purewick?
At midnight.
When does day 2 of foley start for our patients?
Name something that all patients should do while awake to prevent Pneumonia?
What is Incentive Spirometry at least every 2 hours while awake?
Ambulate or mobilize early and often.
What is an activity to help prevent delirium in the hospital?
Hand Hygiene.
What is the single most important thing to prevent infection?
Next to the female Purewick in the supply room.
Where do you find the Male Purewick external catheter?
Prevent backflow of urine into the bladder.
What's keep the bag below the bladder and no dependent loops?
Name the best position for eating?
What is out of bed to chair?
Foley catheters, IV Lines, physical restraints, purewick external catheters.
What are removing tethers?
Artificial nails, gel or acrylic nails.
What is prohibited in patient care areas?
Use the disposable clippers in the ANM's office to clip excess hair.
What can you do to prepare for placing the Male Purewick?
When it's 1/2 to 2/3 full and every 4 hours for CHF patients.
When do you empty the foley?
Name how often patients should be ambulating?
What is at least twice a shift, 2 hours apart?
Glasses, hearing devices, cell phones, family photos.
What are personal belongings that should be kept within reach?
Soap and water.
Set to minimum amount of 40 mmHg continuous suction.
How much should the suction be for the Male Purewick external catheter?
Every shift and with each loose stool.
When do you provide foley and perineal care including cleaning the foley from the meatus toward the foley bag?
Name the disease that teeth brushing prevents.
What is hospital-acquired pneumonia?
Provide cognitively stimulating activities.
What is an activity apron?
Before touching a patient, before clean or aseptic procedures, after touching a patient, after body fluid exposure, after touching patient surroundings.
What are the 5 key moments for hand hygiene?