Position in soccer
center mid
Autum's COLLEGE within UVM and MAJOR
Grossman school of business; business administration
Brooke can speak these languages
English, Spanish, Lebanese
Favorite designer brand
The colors Rosie's car has been
black, blue, silver
Favorite physical feature
Favorite clothing store
Favorite saying of all of her special sayings
as you should
Maddi's cute neighbors spelled CORRECTLY
Bowen and Xiwen
Rosie's job at game night
Fire Marshall
person and age of first kiss
James, 15
Dream car
Jeep Cherokee
Brooke's COLLEGE within UMass and MAJOR
College of Natural Sciences
Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
Person and Age of Maddi's first kiss
Max; 15
Favorite concert Rosie's been to
Ariana Grande
Katherine's COLLEGE within wheat thin and MAJOR
Favorite town Autumn has lived in
every school Brooke has attended since kindergarten
shawsheen, west el, high plain, wood hill, ahs
The names of Dissin's 3 pets
Lily, Moon, Gracie
Biggest insecurity
Everyone Katherine has dated
Who is: James, Oliver, Matt, Sam
Top 3 Artists
Frank Ocean, Harry Styles, Queen
exact insta handle
Favorite Type of Cheese
Top 3 Artists
Maroon 5, Ariana Grande, Lady Gaga