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February Trivia
General Knowledge

What Roman god is January named after?

Janus!! the Roman god of beginnings, endings, transitions, and doorways. He is also known as the doorkeeper of the heavens.


What is a group of pugs called?

A. A Group

B. A grumble

C. A pack

A grumble. The term "grumble" is likely a reference to the vocal nature of pugs, which are known for snorting, grunting, and wheezing. Pugs are an expressive breed with large faces and wrinkly skin 


In what state is it illegal to carry an ice cream cone in your back pocket on a Sunday?

According to several sources, while not explicitly stated as a "Sunday only" law, carrying an ice cream cone in your back pocket is considered illegal in states like Georgia, Kentucky, and Alabama, stemming from an old belief that horse thieves would use ice cream to lure horses away


What is it called when February has 29 days?

A leap year


Which country has the highest life expectancy?

A. United States

B. Hong Kong

C. Australia 

Hong Kong


Around what year did January become the first month of the Roman calendar?

350 bc 


Which US president had a pet alligator that he kept in a White House bath tub?

John Quincy Adams

 He kept a pet alligator in the White House, a gift from the Marquis de Lafayette, and he loved terrifying his guests with it


What percentage of the world is allergic to cats?

A. 50%

B. 10%


Approximately 10% of the world is allergic. How cat-a-strophic.


How often do leap years occur?

Every 4 years


What is the most common surname in the United States?


The surname "Smith" is common because it was a common occupation in the Middle Ages, and the people who held that occupation were important and skilled. Common occupation In the Middle Ages, people were often identified by their trade. There was a smith in almost every village in Britain, making tools like horseshoes, plows, and swords.


 How many months did the original Roman calendar have before January was added?

10 months


 How much does the heart of a blue whale weigh?




400 lbs!!!!

  1. Which animal is known to have the longest lifespan?
    a) Elephant
    b) Blue Whale
    c) Giant Tortoise
    d) Parrot

Giant tortiose

Jonathan, a Seychelles giant tortoise, is the oldest known living land animal in the world. As of January 2025, he is estimated to be 192 years old. Jonathan lives on the island of Saint Helena, where he has roamed the grounds of Plantation House since the late 1800s He is blind and has no sense of smell, but he has excellent hearing He is fed by hand and responds well to the sound of his vet's voice He sunbathes on mild days and digs into leaf mold or grass clippings on colder days


What shape is associated with February?

A heart. A heart is associated with February because February is designated as "American Heart Month," a time to raise awareness about heart health and disease, coinciding with Valentine's Day which also heavily features the heart symbol as a representation of love; this tradition was established by President Lyndon B. Johnson in 1963, making February the month to focus on heart health issues. 


What city is known as "The Eternal City"?


Rome is known as the Eternal City because of its rich history, culture, and art, which have endured for thousands of years. The nickname has been used by many writers and poets, including Virgil, Shelley, Hawthorne, and D'Annunzio


What is January's birthstone


The name garnet derives from the Latin word for grain due to the similarity between their rounded crystals and a pomegranate's seeds. Garnet is the official birthstone for January and signifies protection, friendship, trust, commitment, and love. Garnet is also said to keep the wearer safe during travel.


In what European country is it illegal to own just one guinea pig?

A. Switzerland

B. Austria

C. Belgium

Switzerland. It's considered animal abuse to own a single guinea pig because they are very social creatures, so you must own two or more.


 How many continents are there?


Africa, Antarctica, Asia, Australia, Europe, North America, and South America.


True or False: February is the second month of the year, according to the Roman calendar.

False. February was added to the Roman calendar around 713 BC by Numa Pompilius, the second king of Rome. It was originally the last month of the year, but was moved to its current position as the second month in 450 BCE. The original Roman calendar had only 10 months, and the winter months of January and February were not observed. Numa Pompilius added January and February to synchronize the calendar with the lunar year. February was chosen to be the unlucky month of 28 days because it hosted Roman rituals to honor the dead. The Roman calendar was later reformed by Julius Caesar to include an extra day every four years. This calendar is known as the Julian calendar


What Renaissance artist painted the Sistine Chapel ceiling?



What is "Dry January" in the United Kingdom?

A campaign promoting abstinence from alcohol for the month Dry January is a time when people take a break from drinking and examine their relationship with alcohol. There are many potential reasons to take advantage of this time to examine your relationship with alcohol. It may be part of a New Year's resolution to incorporate healthy behaviors into your routine 



What sport has been played on the moon?


It was Alan Shepard, commander of Apollo 14, who was the first golfer on the moon. He was a keen amateur, and the 6-Iron he used is now in the US Golf association hall of fame.


What does the term "phalanges" refer to?

fingers and toes


What is the February birthstone?

Amethyst. Amethyst is one of the most treasured gemstones in gemology and has been used since ancient times as a symbol of wisdom, spirituality, peace, and harmony. 


What is a group of pandas known as

An Embarrassment.

 A group of pandas is called an embarrassment because of their clumsy movements and relaxed nature.