Chapter 2
Chapter 3

Who is Trayvon Martin?

A 17 year old boy shot and killed by police because of "self defense." 


What does CHRE mean?

Culturally and historically responsive education 


What is a homeplace?

A space where Black children can feel valued, affirmed, and loved for who they are.


What is spirit murdering? 

The racism that, according to Love, pervades America’s schools crushes the spirit of Black children.




What is white rage?


The anger Black advancement triggers in White people.




How does Bettina Love define an "abolitionist teacher" in the context of education?

One who is committed to challenging and dismantling systems of oppression within education, particularly those that marginalize Black students.


What is Brown Vs. Board of Ed?

The Supreme Court ruled that separating children in public schools on the basis of race was unconstitutional.


What is white guilt? 

Guilt brought upon by "the recognition of unearned/unfair racial privileges.


What is the three strike rule? 

The "three strike rule" is a concept that originated in the United States criminal justice system. It refers to laws or policies that impose harsher penalties, typically mandatory lengthy prison sentences, on individuals who have been convicted of three or more serious crimes or felonies. The idea is that after a person commits a third offense, they are subject to stricter punishment, often in the form of mandatory life imprisonment without the possibility of parole.


What is educational survival complex?

A system that forces students of color to put in significantly more effort into their academic work than their white peers do in order to achieve the same level of academic success.


What does FIST stand for? 

Fighting Ignorance and Spreading Truth




What is the war on drugs? 

The effort in the United States since the 1970s to combat illegal drug use by greatly increasing penalties, enforcement, and incarceration for drug offenders


What is the No Child Left Behind Act?

The law held schools accountable for how kids learned and achieved. The law was controversial in part because it penalized schools that didn't show improvement.


What is a measuring rod?

The absence of student voice. 


What are Jim Crow Laws? 

These laws enforced racial segregation and discrimination, particularly targeting African Americans. The name "Jim Crow" originated from a character in 19th-century minstrel shows that depicted African Americans in a derogatory and stereotypical manner.