Educational Models
Types of Programs
Acquisition/learning hypothesis; Natural order hypothesis; Monitor hypothesis; Input hypothesis; Affective filter hypothesis
What is Krashen's Monitor Model?
"English language learners are taught with mainstream students and given no special services."
What is English Immersion?
This approach "involves identifying different parts of speech, such as nouns and verbs, and the rules for combining them into sentences."
What is 'language as structure?'
"The process of going back and forth from one language to the other."
What is translanguaging?
"Language acquisition can best be understood by looking at what happens when people from one cultural group are transplanted into a new setting (social distance, psychological distance, etc)."
What is Schumann's Acculturation Model?
"English language learners are given ESL support. They are taught basic vocabulary and language structure (grammar) and then integrated into all English instruction."
What is ESL Pullout Traditional Instruction?
"This approach is based on the work of Chomsky, who views language as built-in mental ability."
What is 'language as faculty?'
The term "translanguaging" is also known by this other term
What is code-switching?
"Proficiency transfers from one language to another (because) there is a common proficiency that underlies an emergent bilingual's language." "There is an interdependence of concepts, skills, and linguistic knowledge that makes transfer possible."
What is common underlying proficiency (CUP)?
"English language learners receive content instruction in both L1 and L2 for four to six years."
What are Late Exit or Maintenance Programs?
Name two of four ways of "presenting form-focused instruction."
What is "structure the input," "explicit instruction," "production practice," or "providing negative feedback?"
"This term signals that we acknowledge that we value the language they already know as well as the language they are learning" instead of using terms like "limited English proficient, culturally and linguistically diverse, language minority, or English language learners"
What are emergent bilinguals?
One model "considers that each language is one separate entity." The other model refers to "the two or more languages that exist in a bilingual speaker."
What are monoglossic and heteroglossic models of bilingualism?
"Native English speakers are taught language through content instruction in a second language. English is introduced in second grade or later."
What is Enriched Immersion?
Name two of four ways of "presenting form-focused instruction."
What is "structure the input," "explicit instruction," "production practice," or "providing negative feedback?"
This phenomenon "happens to both indigenous and immigrant language groups." It occurs when "the forms and uses of these minoritized languages change and are reduced, and eventually, the speakers (...) use the dominant language."
What is language shift?
This is the main difference amongst the several models of bilingual education.
What is the amount of time students receive primary-language instruction?
"English language learners and native speakers of English learn language through content in both English and the first language of the English learners."
What is Bilingual Dual-Language Education (One-way and Two-way)?
This method is used to "help second language learners develop the language functions they need to communicate successfully in classroom settings."
What is scaffolding?
"Rather than developing equal abilities in each language, bilinguals develop the languages they need to speak to different people in different settings when discussing different subjects."
What is the complementarity principle?