Krashen's Monitor Model
Schumann's 8 Factors that Influence Social Distance
Teaching Grammar to ELLs
Types of ELL Programs
Krashen's idea that we acquire a new language subconsciously as we receive messages we understand.
What is Acquisition/Learning Hypothesis
The power relationships between two groups. This power is greatest when one group dominates the other but diminishes if the two groups have equal power in a society.
What is Social Dominance.
The teaching method that teaches grammar rules explicitly and has students practice with decontextualized exercises.
What is Language as a Structure.
The program that gives English language learners 2-3 years of ESL content support services and then integrates them into all English instruction.
What is Pullout.
The term used by Garcia to describe English Language Learners.
What is emergent bilinguals.
Krashen's theory that says we learn language in a specific order.
What is The Natural Order Hypothesis.
Social distance is increased when the learner group is tight-mint, and social distance is reduced when the learner group is less united.
What is Cohesiveness.
The teaching method that teaches only a few grammar rules that students can use to monitor output.
What is Language as a Mental Faculty.
The program where English language learners are taught with mainstream students and given no special services.
What is English Immersion.
The term used by Garcia to describe how bilinguals communicate using both their languages.
What is translanguaging.
Krashen's hypothesis that explains the different functions that acquisition and learning play.
What is The Monitor Hypothesis.
Social distance is greatest when there is less mixing of cultures.
What is Integration Pattern.
The teaching method that follows a curriculum cycle, teaches grammar forms and functions through modeling, join construction and individual practice.
What is Language as a Functional Resource.
The program where English language learners receive content instruction in both languages for four to 6 years.
What is Late Exit.
The view that each language is one separate entity.
What is Monoglossic.
Krashen's theory that people acquire language only when they receive oral and written language that they understand.
What is The Input Hypothesis.
Social distance is increased when the learner group is self-sufficient and doesn't need to interact with members of the target culture in daily activities.
What is Enclosure.
The theorist who encouraged teachers to teach focus less on teaching grammar and provide comprehensible input to promote acquisition.
Who is Krashen.
The program where native English speakers are taught language through content instruction in a second language. English is introduced in second grade or later.
What is Enriched Immersion.
The term used by Garcia that states that two languages cannot be strictly separated because both are always present and refers to the two or more languages that exist in a bilingual speaker.
What is heteroglossic.
Krashen's hypothesis that explains the role of affective factors in the process of language acquisition.
What is The Affective Filter Hypothesis.
Social distance is increased when the two groups are very different culturally, and the distance decreases when the two groups are more similar.
What is Cultural Congruence.
The theorist who has identified three approaches to teaching grammar: language as structure, language as mental faculty, and language as functional resource.
Who is Derewianka.
The program where English language learners and native speakers of English learn language through content in both English and the first language of the English learners.
What is Bilingual Dual-Language Education.
The term given when a person switches between two languages to communicate.
What is code switching.