Trainings specific to what better met the needs of diverse students
Culturally Responsive Teaching and Universal Design for Learning
Which three principals were associated with the Year of Civility?
Dignity, respect, humility
This provides opportunities for faculty-led intercultural and global experiences?
Global Education and Outreach
What did Vanguard develop to address the evolving needs of graduate and professional studies programs?
Office of Graduate and Professional Education
50% of full-time undergraduates are doing what?
Which rapid transition was not supported by timely changes?
Transition from a Faculty Senate model to a Provost-Led Full-Faculty Shared Governance Model
Which center is a global leader?
Global Center for Women and Justice
What was recently restructured to a centralized format?
Academic Advising for Traditional Undergraduate Students
The Gen-Z speaker series is a recent example of what?
Professional Development (other examples are participation in conferences, training on assessing employee performance, IDI, Creating Healthy Organizations Conference, Student Affairs Inclusive Hiring
Which office plays a crucial role in gathering, analyzing, and utilizing data to monitor institutional health, support evidence-based decision making, and guide improvements?
Office of Institutional Research (IR)
Which previous commission action was targeted at closing the achievement gap for students of color, particularly Hispanic students?
Support Services
The Education for Love and Wisdom Podcast was an example of what?
Employee engagement with crucial societal issues
The accelerated pivot to what tested Vanguard’s system for ensuring quality education across programs?
Remote learning
What was launched in 2020 and reached a record-high in 2023?
Giving Day
Increases in the cost of living in Orange County still needs to be considered in which institutional improvement intervention?
Faculty Compensation
Which two Planning Alignment examples were provided to show alignment and strategy?
Enrollment Planning and Recruitment with Financial Planning
This is an opportunity for reflection, accountability, and improvement?
Which examples were given of immersive experiences?
Interdisciplinary exposure, Faculty mentorship, Conference Presentations, Gateway to Research-Focused Graduate Programs
What guides the oversight and operational authority of the Board of Trustees?
University bylaws, Board Policy Manual, Board Committee Charters
The Organizational Health Advisory Council made recommendations to Cabinet for improving which three areas?
Communication, Onboarding, and Professional Development (also overlaps with the ASA recommendations)
The October 2022 Interim Report highlighted which initiatives specific to strengthened collaborative governance?
Faculty Handbook, Faculty Representatives, Committee Structure, Faculty Central, Process Documents
Vanguard currently uses which methods to ensure that constituents are well-informed and engaged with institutional life and values?
Faculty/Board Interactions, Onboarding for New Hires, Good News-VU, Faculty Central, Student Affairs Emails, Staff and Faculty Meetings
Vanguard’s comprehensive approach to academic planning and communication is reflected in key university documents including?
University Catalog, 4-year/Curriculum Plans, Program Curriculum Maps, Course Syllabi
Having recognized the importance of streamlining advising and student support what did Vanguard consolidate?
Academic Advising, Career Services, Experiential Learning, Disability Services, Academic Resource Center (now called the Division of Student Success and Academic Services)
What informed the emphasis on developing flexible certificate and degree programs likely to appeal to adult learners?
The looming enrollment cliffs and increased need for reskilling and up-skilling