The Greeks decreed against these Mitzvos
Shabbos, Rosh Chodesh, Bris Milah
We add this into Bentching on Chanukah
Al Hanissim
They used this type of oil in the Bais Hamikdash
Olive oil
The "little dreidel" is made out of
This letter on the dreidel is different in America and Israel
פ and ש
The Jews who imitated the Greeks were called
Misyavnim or Hellenists
Do we say Full or Half Hallel on Chanukah
We say these Brachos on the 4th night
להדליק נר and שעשה נסים
We read this Megillah on Chanukah
We DON'T read a Megilah on Chanukah
Matisyahu's father's name
Which one came first Purim or Chanukah
We say Al Hanissim this many times a year
This is the maximum height one can light the Menorah
20 amos
MACABI stands for
מי כמוך באלים ה'
Matisyahu's five sons
Yehudah, Shimon, Elazar, Yochanan, Yonasan
Alexander the Great did this when he met Shimon Hatzadik
Got off his horse and bowed down
We take out this many Sifrei Torah when Rosh Chodesh falls out on Shabbos Chanukah
We light from this side on the 7th night
These Holidays are mentioned in Maoz Tzur
Pesach, Purim , Chanukah
Name of the person Yehudis killed
Tried to steal from the Bais Hamikdash and got kicked by an Angel on horseback
Parsha in the Torah we read on Chanukah
Nasso (and Behaaloscha)
This occurred many years earlier on the 25th of Kislev
They finished building the Mishkan
First name of the person who composed Maoz Tzur
According to Beis Shammai we light this number of candles on the third night of Chanukah