Who is the BFG ?
He is Sophie`s best friend and his real name is Big Freindly giant
Why did the BFG grab Sophie out of her room?
sophie saw him
What ghastly food does the BFG have to suffer by?
He suffers from snozzcumbers
Where was Sophie before she met the BFG?
At the orphanage
Which giant is the tallest?
It is the Fleshlumpeater
Who is the queen?
The queen is the queen
What is the BFG`s job?
It is to take dreams from human beans
What happens when you drink frobscottle?
You go Whizzpoppers!!!
Where does the the BFG live?
Giant Country
Which giant is the smallest?
It is the BFG
Who is the first giant we meet that starts with a ''b''
Where does the BFG and Sophie go to tell everyone about the Giants?
Who is Parks`s favorite giant?
The Fleshlumpeater
At the end what do the Giants have to suffer by at the end again?
Which giant is the first giant to mess with the BFG?
It is the Bloodbottler
Name all the giants
There is the Fleshlumpeater,Childchewer,Bonecruncher,Manhugger,Meatdripper,Gizzardgulper,Maidmasher,Bloodbottler,Butcher boy.
Why did the BFG put a nightmare in one of the Giants ear?
Because he deserved it
Who made the BFG?
It is Roald Dahl
What does the BFG call the queen?
He calls her your majester
Which giant`s name start with a "G"?
It is the Gizzardgulper
Who is Mr Tibbs?
He is the Queen`s butler
Why did the BFG blow the trumpet into the kids room?
Because he was giving them a dream
Who is Sophie`s mom?
Mary the maid
Who is Henry`s favorite giant?
It is the Childchewer
How tall was the hole the Giants got caged in?
It was 500 ft