Test 1
Test 2
Test 3
Test 4
Post Test 4

What are four contributing factors to determining when a cell will divide?

Available nutrients

cell size (Surface area /vol ratio)



growth factors


Four lifespan changes of joints

collagen loss causes stiffness

fibrous sutures begin after birth

exercise is needed to maintain flexibility

synchondrosis disappear 


List four signs that would increase likelihood that a skin lesion is cancerous

A - area - symmetric 

B - border - irregular

C - color - patches?

D - diameter - (>1cm)


list four risk factors for multiple scerlosis

caucasian, female, age 20-40, have other autoimmune diseases


what are some influences on perception 

strength of stimulus, sensitive of receptor, previous experience, emotion state, memory 


List four functions of connective tissue

holds everything together, provides supportive framework, provides protection, transport, storage of fat, produce blood, help in tissue repair


4 types of synovial joints and ex, movement range

ball and socket - shoulder, all planes plus rotation

gliding - carpal, some twisting, back and forth movt

hinge - elbow, no rotation, back and forth

condyloid - metacarpal, many planes, no rotation


list four changes that occur in skin over time

epidermis thins

dermis thins = wrinkling

healing is delayed

nails harden and become dull


three differences in structural classification of neurons

unipolar, bipolar, multipolar


give the receptor types for taste and places on the tongue

sweet - carbs, tip

sour - acids- sides

bitter - back

salt - all over

unami - amino acids, flavor


List four of the five major categories of things living organisms need to survive and give either one reason that item is necessary or one function of that item

Nutrients: needed for energy

Pressure: atmospheric breathing

Water: transport

Heat: required for chem reactions


List two differences between endochondral and intramembranous ossification 


1. begins as laid out hyaline cartliage

2. periosteum forms early


1. begins as mesenchyme (undifferentiated connective tissue)

2. periosteum forms later


four causes of muscle fatigue

lactic acid build up

inc in ADP levels that competes with ATP

mental component, brain tells you to stop

electrolyte imbalance

list the differences between subdural and epidural hematoma

type of vessel involved

typical age of patient

onset of symptoms

Subdural: vein, old, acute/chronic brain compression

epidural: artery, young, minutes/hours, loss of consciousness 


list changes in hearing with age

hearing loss from damage to hair cells

degeneration of nerve pathways

tinnitus - ringing of ears

hearing aids helps with sound amplification 


Under a microscope, what is the difference between simple columnar, pseudo stratified columnar, and stratified columnar?

Simple: one layer of cells

Stratified: more than one layer

flat: squamous

square/cube: cuboidal

tall/rectangular: columnar

pseudo stratified: nuclei at different levels 


why is early movement of a sprained joint important structurally for better healing

early movt is impt for the bodies healing by increasing blood flow into the area, and for lining up bones and ligaments and tendons for joint to know how to heal properly


three differences in cardiac and skeletal muscle

cardiac has longer refractory period

skeletal has summation and tetany, cardiac does not

skeletal is voluntary, cardiac is involuntary


Sympathetic parasympathetic - origin, location of ganglia, NT used, function 

symp: throracolumnar, near presynaptic, pre: Act, post: Noepi, function: inc BP, HR, dec digestion, fight/flight

parasympathetic: craniosacrla, near target cell, pre and post - Act, functions: dec BP, HR, inc digestion, rest and digest


5 influences on smell

hunger, attentiveness, gender, age, mucus thickness


Describe the primary components necessary for an effective negative feedback system, and briefly describe how it works. 

Neg feedback - common regulation system as condition deviate from set points, effectors activated (affector/receptors recognize problem, control center, effectors carry out response, feedback set further response)


List the steps in healing a fracture

1. hematoma forms

2. new blood vessels form

3. spongy bone forms as quick fix

4. fibrocartilage replaces and fills gap

5. compact bone forms over time

6. osteoclasts remodel and breakdown some of the bone to have structure of original bone


three functions of ATP in muscle contraction/relaxation cycle

release cross bridge from actin

reload cross bridges

pump out calcium into sarcoplasmic reticulum for relaxation 


four functions of NS with aging

brain shrinks 10%, slower reflex, inc risk of falling, memory worse


Rods and cones

rods: 100 million, operate in dim light, rhodopsin, colorless, blurry

cones: 3 million, bright light, 3 pigments, central retina, color vision, sharp