Health Care
Various Careers
Artistic Careers

This person treats children when they are sick by diagnosing their illness and prescribing them medicine

What is a Pediatrician?

Avg. salary: $118,671


A professional who is responsible for keeping and interpreting financial records

Who is an Accountant?

Avg. Salary: $55,811

if certified: $83,571


A person who helps their clients purchase, rent or sell properties? 

What is a realtor or real estate agent?

Avg. Salary: $102,689


Someone who constructs, repairs, and installs building frameworks and structures made from wood and other materials

Who is a carpenter? 

Avg. salary: $64,734


Someone who enhances facial aesthetic for their clients, usually by using makeup. 

Who is a makeup artist?

Avg. salary: $74,877


This person examines patients for signs of oral diseases, such as gingivitis, and provides preventive care, including oral hygiene

What is a Dental Hygienist?

Avg Salary: $89,622


An agent or firm that charges a fee or commission for executing buy and sell orders for an investor

Who is a Stock broker?

Avg. salary: $81,067


A person who draws or produces maps

Who is a Cartographer?

Avg: salary: $61,466


Someone you call to help fix your sink, toilet, or bathtub. They mend or replace broken pipes and open clogged drains.

What is a plumber?

Avg. salary: $62,130


A professional that creates visual concepts, using computer software or by hand to communicate ideas. 

Who is a graphic designer?

Avg. salary: $61,831


Someone who uses imaging equipment and soundwaves to form images of many parts of the body, known as ultrasounds

What is a medical sonographer or Ultrasound technician? 

Avg salary: $72,510


A professional who deals with measurement and management of risks and uncertainty. 

Who is an actuary?

Avg. salary: $116,112


A person who studies planets and the stars

Who is an astronomer? 

Avg. salary: $118,907


Skilled professional who plans and designs building and generally plays a key role in their construction. 

Who is an architect? 

Avg. salary: $111,400


Professional that helps develop company's brand and establishing its online presence. 

Who is a content manager?

Avg Salary: $114,844


Someone who protects vulnerable children and supports families needing help, helps people solve and cope with problems in their every day lives, and assists with mental, behavioral, and emotional issues? 

Who is a social worker? 

Avg salary: $64,439


A financial advisor to corporations. 

Who is an investment banker?

Avg. salary: $73,680


A person who works for the government and protects U.S citizens by investigating federal crimes.

Who is a Federal Agent? 

Avg. Salary: $120,487


Inspects house and condition of home, usually prior to sale of a house.

Who is a home inspector?

Avg salary: 63,873


A person who helps write codes used to create websites. They also improve user experiences and track website performance. 

Who is a web developer? 

Avg. salary: $70,673


Someone who creates and optimizes medical equipment, devices, and software that can help improve patient outcomes. From artificial organs to creating computer simulations of body processes. 

Who is a Biomedical engineer?

Avg. Salary: $82,675


A professional that helps provide accurate, up to date financial information about a business. 

Who is a bookkeeper?

Avg. salary: $45,186


A person who practices law and advocates and represents others in legal matters.

Who is a lawyer?

Avg. Salary: $127,990


A professional that modifies any visible features of an area of land including: gardening, outdoor lighting, tree and bush work etc. 

Who is a landscape technician or landscaper?

Avg. salary: $70,815


A professional who creates permanent images or words in client's skin with the use of ink or other pigments. 

Who is a tattoo artist? 

Avg. salary: $85,809