Club Policies
Safety Cont.
Club Policies Cont.
For Earthquake and Fire Drill where is the meet up place. 

The green space (in front of Thats A Some)


What form do you need for a child injury?

What form do you need for a major behavior?

What form do you need for a minor behavior?

Accident report form

Behavior Incident report form

BGCKC Occurrence report form


Which two certifications do you need to have?

CPR/First Aid and Food Handlers

New adult has come to pick up a youth what do you do?

Check ID, ask youth if they know the adult, make sure the adult is on pick up list


what is the bathroom policy?

One youth at a time (this includes Makenna and Yolandi)

Adults use the upstairs restroom when children present (unless your Cat and break your leg)


What is Staff to Youth Ratio

1 to 15


How do you report a child head injury?

check on youth, tell supervisor, fill out accident report, call parents


Where do you do your trainings?


Where are the emergency numbers

at the front desk taped to the drawer.


what should you be wearing while at the club? Especially on Tuesday the 11th!

Club shirt or sweatshirt AND name badge


Who do you alert in the event of an emergency?

Nearest Director


Best placement in a room with kids?

Back to the wall with view of doorways and all youth.


What 3 trainings do you start with?

Child abuse prevention

Blood Bourne Pathogens

Youth Development Foundations


You are the first staff at Sakai playground what is your role?

Sweep playground to make sure it is clear and safe. Set boundaries and placement of staff.


What do you do if a child is sick at Club.

separate youth from group

mark of area of vomit.

clean with appropriate chemicals.

wear PPE

contact parents. 


How do you report suspected child abuse

Record what you observe or was told and turn in form to supervisor. You and supervisor will make the call to CPS together. 


If you are running a program and its just you and a youth should you run the program? 

NO! correct the situation. add more youth or add a staff. 


How do you spend your first week at the Club?

meeting kids and shadowing other staff


Jonathan is angry and he walks out of the Club during program what do you do?

Stay with other youth.

Inform Supervisor

supervisor will call parents and 911 as needed. 

What is the animal policy?

No animals unless they are ADA animals. No petting animals outside.


What do you do if a staff member is under the influence?

inform your supervisor immediately. Do not let them drive themselves. remove any children around them. 


Explain the drill for an active shooter

Staff take kids into the back left corner of the community room and keep quiet. Directors make sure all youth are in the room and all blinds and curtains are closed. RUN, HIDE, FIGHT


What items are you given at your onboarding?


name tag

and a wish of good luck


OH NO! We had and earthquake and Cat, Josh and Shadow died. RIP. What do you do?

Stay Calm and follow procedures.

Move kids to safe space

take emergency binder

Take emergency bags and grab and go bags

assign emergency roles (Director, health, Safety, entertainment) 

72 hours follow Prepare Bainbridge plan. 


What is our policy on physical contact with youth?

Keep contact brief. No picking up, no sitting on laps, no long lingering hugs. 

side hugs, high fives, fist bumps, foot fives ALL GOOD.