color of nails Suhani always gets done
What is white?
What is the UK?
City their new house is in
What is Fairfax?
Body part Bhavik got pierced after losing a bet
What are his ears?
# of days their birthdays are apart
Suhani's go to coffee order
What is an Iced Latte?
Sport Bhavik played growing up
What is soccer?
The year they started dating
What is 2014
Place Bhavik caught Covid in Atlanta
What is Cheetah (Strip Club)
Phone game Suhani is obsessed with
What is Candy Crush?
city Suhani was born in
What is Chicago
Bhavik's second favorite NFL team
What is the Carolina Panthers?
Their first date location
What is Hooters?
BhaSu's favorite bar in Atlanta
What is Moondogs?
Number of kid names BhaSu have planned out
What is three?
Suhani's first big girl purchase after getting her promotion
What is her prada bag?
City Bhavik has blacked out the most times in
City in India BhaSu went for their wedding shopping
What is Mumbai?
Major Bhavik applied to GT as
What is Undecided?
Number of tattoos Suhani has
How many root canals does Suhani have
Only bone that Bhavik has broken
What is big toe?
Sum of Bhavik and Suhanis favorite number
Number of majors Suhani was in college (including one she graduated as)
What is 3?
What is Ibuprofen?