For BHC Programs, the initial person-centered care plan is required to be completed and signed within how many days?

sixty (60) days of the initial contact with the agency (the day their screener was completed)


Screeners completed during the Intake/Admission

o Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ-9)

o Daily Living Activities (DLA-20)

o Columbia Suicide Severity Rating Scale (CSSR-S)

o Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test (AUDIT)

o Drug Abuse Screening Test (DAST-10)

o Generalized Anxiety Disorder Assessment (GAD 7)

o SNAP (Strengths, Needs, Abilities, Preferences) Assessment 


Which FCC position allows individuals the opportunity to direct their own recovery and advocacy processes by promoting skills for coping and managing symptoms while encouraging the use of natural supports and enhancements of community living skills?

Peer Specialist


This plan includes:

Ø Admission Data

Ø Goals Achieved

Ø Goals Not Completed

Ø Prescribed Medications, Dosage/Response

Ø Medical status and needs that may require ongoing monitoring and support

Ø Summary of Services Provided

Ø Status of client(s) at last contact

Ø Aftercare recommendations to include the name, number, location, times and days of follow-up services and referrals.

After Care Plan


What is included in the safety plan?

This safety plan identifies triggers, current coping skills, warning signs, preferred interventions, and advanced directives when available.


This plan will include, but is not limited to, the following: 

Ø Goals that are expressed in the words of the client.

Ø Specific, measurable objectives which are realistic and achievable during treatment.

Ø Identification of specific interventions, modalities, and/or services to be used.

Ø Services, supports, and actions to accomplish each goal and outcome. This includes services and supports (i.e. family, friends, self-help groups, churches), and the staff member responsible, as well as action steps of the individual and supports.

Ø Frequency of specific interventions, modalities, and services.

Ø Reason for admission.

Ø Criteria for discharge.

Ø Diagnoses

Ø Strengths, Needs, Abilities, and Preferences

Ø Agencies currently providing services to the client(s), or referrals made to agencies for additional services.

Ø Involvement of family when indicated.

Ø Assets/skills, obstacles and resources related to identify person-centered care plan goals.

Ø Stage of change related to each person-centered care plan goal.

Ø Service needs beyond the scope of the organization and/or program.

Ø Projected time frame for completion of each goal/outcome.

Ø Estimated completion/discharge date for specific level of care.

Ø Written in the words of the client(s), avoiding clinical jargon and/or language that the individual cannot understand.

Ø Identification of deferred issues

The Person-Centered Care Plan (Treatment Plan)


When is the level/intensity of care and recommendations determined?

Initial evaluation


When enrolled in this program, a client will receive caring phone calls, screening assessments with the C-SSRS Since Last Visit at weekly, face-to-face visits, during follow-up visits after any ER visits or hospitalizations, and after any missed appointments. 

Suicide Care Pathways

Documents that should be completed for a full discharge?






How long does FCC have to attempt to engage a client after a missed appointment?

48 hours 

8 hours if pathways


The following steps are being used to understand _____________?

Step 1: Engage Client

Step 2: Familiarize Client and their Families with Treatment and Evaluation Processes

Step 3: Endorse Collaboration in Interviews, Assessments and Treatment Planning

Step 4: Integrate Culturally Relevant information and themes. Explore culturally relevant themes to more fully understand our clients and identify their cultural strengths and challenges.

Step 5: Gather Culturally Relevant Collateral Information

Step 6: Select Culturally Appropriate Screening and Assessment Tools

Step 7: Determine Readiness and Motivation for chang

Culturally competent care


If a client is determined as urgent after completing their mental health screener how long do they have to be seen?

1 business day


This program offers outpatient interventions designed to help clients with chronic and persistent behavioral health disorders (including both mental health and substance use disorders) improve their functioning and resiliency, reduce psychiatric hospitalizations, and continue to live within their communities. It is compliant with applicable state and federal Medicaid requirements. Service delivery models and strategies are based upon current research and evidence-based practices. Services are designed and delivered to support the recovery, health, and well-being of the client, enhance quality of life, reduce needs and build resiliency, improve functioning, and support community integration. 

Behavioral Health Clinic


Reasons for Discharge

Reasons for discharge include:

Ø Successful completion of treatment

Ø The client(s) moves out of service area

Ø Death of a client(s)

Ø Appointment noncompliance

Ø Non-compliance with program rules and expectations

Ø Personal choice of the client(s)

Ø Medical reasons


What is our re-engagement process?

when a client misses an appointment, they will be contacted by phone the following day, if they don't respond, the client will be mailed a caring post card that is valid for 14 days, if there is no response, the client will be mailed a 10-day letter stating possible discharge, if the 10-day letter expires the CM/PD will determine if the client will be discharged


FCC Behavioral Health Core Values







What ages does the BHC serve? 

All individuals (ages 5 and up) in need of behavioral health services can be screened at FCC Behavioral Health (FCC) to determine eligibility. Clients ages 3-4 may be eligible to receive play therapy upon clinical review.


Who is responsible for coordinating the following services:

Ø Implementing the person-centered care plan.

Ø Ensuring the client(s) is oriented to services.

Ø Promoting participation of the client(s) in discussions regarding the plan, goals, and current status.

Ø Identifying and addressing gaps in service provision.

Ø Sharing information on how to access community resources relevant to the individual’s identified needs.

Ø Advocating, as needed.

Ø Communicating information regarding progress to the appropriate team members and support system.

Ø Facilitating the transition process, including coordination of follow up services.

Ø Involving the family and/or legal guardian, when appropriate.

Ø Coordinating services provided outside of the organization.

Ø Ensuring the client(s) has a copy of the person-centered care plan.

The Clinical Therapist


What type of discharge is

Ø Individualized and measurable treatment goals and objectives within the Person-Centered Treatment Plan should be met.

Ø The individual should demonstrate recognition and understanding of his/her mental illness and impact.

Ø The individual should achieve maintained stabilization with their mental health and/or substance use disorder.

Ø The individual will have developed a plan for continuing recovery.

Ø The individual has taken initial steps to mobilize supports in the community for continuing recovery and has demonstrated improvement in functioning as evidenced by the DLA-20.

described below?

Successful Discharge


Which intervention assesses and reduces the access of person at risk for suicide to lethal means?

Lethal means counseling


What is the famous phrase you should never say during a CARF interview?

"I don't know"


Which service does this describe?

Clients can meet with a Clinical Therapist for individual and family therapy (six (6) or more (solution focused/brief therapy) as deemed appropriate by the client and treatment team).. Sessions are planned, goal-oriented therapeutic interactions which are conducted face-to-face or via Telehealth with a qualified staff member in accordance with a person-centered care plan. Throughout the course of treatment, the clinical therapist monitors the client and meets with the clinical treatment team regularly to ensure the client is receiving the most effective treatment available.

Individual and Family Therapy


Offers term stabilization services for those in crisis by addressing immediate needs, enhancing overall functioning, and reducing psychiatric hospitalizations.

Offers crisis intervention services 24 hours a day. The Crisis Therapist and Care Coordinators provide the following forms of crisis response: mobile response, walk-in services, face-to-face intervention, and telephone response.

The program also offers intensive case management services. The Care Coordinator (CC) coordinates care for the client by addressing behavioral/physical health and basic needs. Care Coordination services, which consist of specific activities in collaboration with the client, are delivered in accordance with the person-centered care plan. The Crisis Therapist and Care Coordinators work closely with the treatment team and make referrals to appropriate services.

ERE (Emergency Room Enhancement) Services:

What is our policy on how many services a client will receive once determined to be eligible for services?

Once an individual has been considered eligible for services, the individual can receive six (6) or more (solution focused/brief therapy) or as deemed appropriate by the treatment team. This is due to the high number of individuals within the community needing behavioral health treatment services.


Where can you find all of FCC Policy & Procedures?
